Memorie and a Call

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"Hey Big sis remember when you found me an Gon at the Phantom Troupe hideout?"

I giggled.


I smiled as Alluka raised a brow.

"Nee San can you explain?"

I nodded then spoke.

Le flashback~

I hummed walking to the hideout Chrollo had left to do some crap an I made an arrangement stating he was not allowed to harm friend or family of mine an if he breaks it I Kill him and the troupe. Same goes for me. I hummed slightly an walked into the area.

"Killua, Gon?"


Gon's mouth got covered as I walked to the boys.


I rubbed his head as Kill removes his hand.

"Call me red."

The boy in green nodded as I looked back glaring at the others.

"Now then- why are they hear."

I glared at Nonbug as he held a slightly ticked look.

"They followed us."

"Boys explain."

"Theirs a bounty on them."


"Yeah yeah."

"Now that's done why are they hear."

I asked agian.

"Tch they probably know the chain user!"

"Min did you see their memories?"

Pan nodded.

"Then I believe you have your answer."

"We should wait for the boss to come back so he capfuls decide!"

I glared at the man.

"Now now did you forget our agreement, you boss agreed on it today."

I glared at him as I turned my voice cold lacing it with venom.

"Are you kidding we need to find them!"

"Let me elaborate you have your information an the contract states you will not harm my family or friends. The albino is my family and the boy in green is my friend. YOU WILL NOT TOUCH THEM."

I raised my voice keeping the males behind me. Then Gon walked pass.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Arm wrestle me."

He began to walk to the male.

"Red Don't worry I'll be fine. An don't take this as breaking your deal."

Me an Kill watched as the man continued to beat him bloodying his hand from the impact as I glared into the man. I looked to Kill as he nodded. If anyone kills the boys I can take on a few but their a lot stronger then they look. I mumbled a curse as Gon stated something to piss him off then they went to the back room. I walked to where Hisoka would sit an leaned against the wall. Then a crash good their escaping. I did a small hum. As I leaned against the fallen structure.

End of Le flashback~

"So that's what happened."

Alluka nodded as the door crashed open seeing a boy in green.

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