Beelding Red

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I smiled an congratulated Kill, Gon, Kurta and Orea man for making it I'm time.

"Wow guys just in time!"

They smiled as Hina tackled me.

"Thorn! I did it!"

I chuckled an ruffed her hair. She then went to her brother. I then watched as she glared at her brother he shivered an dropped his deck.

"Hisoka, I'm leaving Thorn to you. If you touch her in any way she is displeased...I will break you until you die~"

Bloodlust seeped through her skin as it shadowed everyone seemed to shiver an back away quickly. Hisoka did a dry chuckle as I sighed an walked to the girl.

"Y-Yes Hina..."


He shivered at her tone as I wrapped an arm over her shoulder.

"She's going to die!"


She looked up as I pulled the girls cheeks she squeaked and yelled.

"Thorn quit it!"

"Apologize to your brother."

She rubbed her cheeks before sighing an gave the male a hug. I shook my head as he sighed happy she wasn't going to murder him.


"Come grab a card."

We went in order grabbing our cards. Hisoka went then I picked my card an sat as everyone got theirs.

"Peel the sticker off."

We all looked at the number planted on the card.

"These cards are your targets for the next phase of the exam. You must take their badge or have three badges to replace theirs. If you don't you loose anything goes."

I looked at the piece a paper, ah that idiot. I'm going to kill him~ I did a smirk. We got on a boat an traveled to Zevil Island. I hummed as I ate a granola bar, I also gave one to Hisoka an Hina who were munching on the food. We got off one at a time by the people who won. First Hisoka then me and next Illumi. I dashed into the forest following Hisoka an stopped by him.

"Who did you get."

He looked to me an handed me the paper.


He did a nod an took the slides paper.

"What about you?"

I handed him mine as he raised a brow.

"This ones too easy for you?"

"Yep, I'll just one shot them. I may go off on my own for a bit to get this done with. I'll meet you after."

He only nodded an smirked as I dashed off.


I huffed he was chasing me I jumped a tree and saw Hisoka I grabbed the male an set him in the tree with me. I held a hand over his face an put a finger to my lips. He raised a brow but watched as I pulled off my necklace an turned the scythe into a bow. The man had ran out huffing looking for me. I huffed seeing how I couldn't get a clean shot. Wait Hisoka, I turned to the male after slipping the bow on my arm then grabbed his hands an put them on my waist. I smirked at him as I leaned back an throat shot the man with my nen arrow.

"Thanks Hisoka~"

His grip tightened as he pulled me into his body.

"I-Um W-what are you doing?"

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