Happy Birthday....Goodbye

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I hummed as I walked with Kill to get Alluka.

"Are you sure your parents are okay with this?"

"Yeah I talked it over an they stated if were with you then it's completely fine."

I nodded as I opened the door and walked past Mike and saw the dark skinned woman. I stopped.

"Something wrong?"

I hummed at the bowing girl.

"What's your name."

"Canary Ma'am."

I gave her a smile.

"Nice to meet you Canary, my name is Thorn Cipher. I hope to see you grow up, you would be a more then Adequate nen user."

"You are too kind Miss Cipher."

I did a small wave an walked with Kill.

"What do you gain?"

"Nothing but yo see the girl grow up."

He hummed at my statement as we went up into his family's mansion.

"Happy Birthday!"

I blinked as I saw Kikyo hug me.

"Um what's going on?"

Gramps chuckled as Silva did a curt grin with Alluka running up an hugging me.

"Big sis! Big sis!"

I chuckled an rubbed her head as she smushed her face into my chest.

"It's your birthday we wanted to say something."

I shook my head at Gramps. Then Kikyo held out a small bag. I raised a brow as she motioned me to open it.

"We heard you were leaving to go train. So we thought.."

I raised a brow an opened the small bag seeing Illumi's pins. My eyes widened an looked to them.

"Dose Illumi know you did this?"

They chuckled.


I gave a warm smile an hugged Kikyo an did a cat grin to the males. I gently set the needles in my sactual next to my daggers. Alluka took my hand and giggled.

"Let's go!"

I smiled an rubbed her head.

"Don't forget your day bye you tart."

I ruffled her hair as she hugged her parents and grandfather.

"Will see you soon Thorn."

I did a curt nod Alluka took my hand an Kills as we walked out. She swung our appendages as we walked off to my black truck. My bike should be back in Britain.


I smiled as we got in an went to Heavens arena.


"Yes Alluka?"

I asked.

"Happy Birthday."

I gave her a warm smile as we went into the elevator.

"Thorn do you need any help with your stuff?"

I shook my head as we walked an saw a Kurta and Oreo. I raised a brow.

"Why hello Kurta Oreo."

They quickly looked to me. Kurta nodded while Oreo was sweating a mountain.

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