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"How do I turn back?"

Zinx sweat dropped as she walked over lifting up my wings.

"You are much further then I anticipated."

I rubbed my stomach.

"Will it affect them?"

"No don't worry they be fine."

I nodded as she looked through my features.

"Hmm now to change back..."

I sighed then I saw Hisoka and Illumi walking up the hill. Ah shite will they recognize me. Then they both spotted me, Zinx looked to where my eyes were then nodded.

"I'll leave you be for now."

I nodded as the two looked to me then walked up with a raised brow.


I chuckled an rubbed my head.


"Dear what happened?"

"I honestly have no idea it just happened when I sang after getting angry."

They nodded then hugged me.

"We missed you Flower."

I looked to Illumi as a red seeped into my skin at the new nickname. Hisoka chuckled an kissed my cheek. While Illumi kisses my neck.

"I missed you two so much."

I saw a smile then they looked to my stomach. I was suddenly picked up by Hisoka an sat in his lap on the swing while Illumi examined my stomach. Hisoka set his head on my shoulder an held the lower part of my stomach rubbing his thumbs over it lightly. While Moon gently ran his hands over my stomach then kissed my stomach a red seeped into my skin at the two. He gave a soft smile an sat their with his head on my leg gently rubbing my stomach. I smiled an hummed gently at the two.


Authors POV(Sorry if it sucks I don't usually use my point of view😅)
A soft hum fell as they wandered the grounds then stopped. She walked to the voice it was a mans voice an she knew exactly who it was. Yet it was solemn. She frowned an stopped near a weeping willow as wild black roses grew around the secluded area with a small pond that held lily pads an frogs could be heard as a few birds chirped. Then he continued to another song Thorn stood their knowing this voice an watched as he sang it.

Before she knew it a golden tear fell from her ruby eye as a blood colored tear fell from her lime. She stood their with the boys, as she referred to as Sun & Moon, stood behind her bewildered by the tears that fell for they have never seen her cry. They seen her as a happy person one who as never cried. At least that's what they convinced themselves to believe for they knew of the sorrows an heartbreak she held. But little did they know they never heard the full story. She had cut more parts out to save the pain she had felt. She thought she was a selfish person who never deserved to be loved she was depressed an suicidal until the man who she watched helped her. She was slowly getting better but he never told her his pains an when she tried to help he would yell an scream at her to leave. He didn't know how to be a brother an his parents despised him for being bisexual. He had loved a man an his father had killed the boy in cold blood. Thorn had stood their just crying the bloody tear fell an landed to her chest dripping down her body spilling onto her coal dress. While the golden tear slipped an disappeared into nothing. She couldn't stop crying nor move maybe it was the pregnancy making her over emotional but she could help it. The world was silent as she watched him whipe away tears an pull off his beanie.

"I'm sorry mi amor, I could not save you. But I am happy about lil sis. She helped me, she helped us. I was too weak yet she avenged you. I'm so grateful for her I hope you look to us an see that she is truly my sister no matter our blood. Mi amor Te amo."

Then he finally sensed their presence he looked over wide eyed an quickly ran over.


He whipped her face as the boys stayed their. They didn't know what to do they just stood their unknown as Ethan whipped her tears then gave a smile.

"Lil sis no llores hermano está aquí todo estara bein, así que no te preocupes."

Tears streamed as she hugged him resting her head on his.

"Brother you are not fine you are my brother and I will worry."

She gently took the beanie an set it on his head.

"I never knew him but you love him, don't forget him alright?"

The male nodded an gave her one last hug then gave a fox smirk and gently pushed the girl into the clown an assassin.

"I want you to be happy!"

She gave him a solemn smile as he then gave a silly face.

"Imma be a fudging Uncle!"

He ran off shouting that an giving her derp faces. Causing the girl to laugh an forget her tears.

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