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"Thank you sir,what is the pay?"

The taxi driver chuckled

"No thank you Miss your company was the highlight of this old mans day."

I gave a warm smile an thanked the driver an got out with Illumi. The man drove off as we walked to the gates.

"Apologize to Kill."

He raised a brow as I crossed my arms in front of the man.

"A Zoldyck doesn't apologize."

"Then I'll call that taxi driver an leave right now."

That seemed to frustrate him. He sighed then motioned me to follow him.

"Welcome home master Illumi."

I looked to an old man he smiled as Illumi did a curt nod then turned to me.

"Want me to open it?"

"I want to see how many doors you can open."

I hummed an looked at the weighted door.

"Wow they added a hundred pounds since last time I was hear."

I walked up an pushed the doors, opening all of them.

"Come on."

He just stared at me has I held the doors open then he walked through with me.

"I wonder if Mike is still hear?"

I questioned to myself.

"He is."

I gave a smile to Illumi then I saw the big brown creature.

"Mike! Wow you got big."

I held out an arm as he sniffed it then his tail began to wag as he got up an let me pet him.

"Yeah it's been a while hasn't it?"

The dog barked an ran off bringing his bone. I chuckled and threw it for him. He ran and grabbed it then plopped down in front of me. I scratched between his ears then walked with Illumi.

"I'm the one who actually found Mike, he was with a litter. His siblings are spread out between the Hopes an I have two at my house."

"Your house."

I did a nod.

"Yeah it's not far from hear, Kill would come over when he ran away and me an him would play games and train. Then of course play with Snow and Midnight. The dogs."

He nodded as we treached up the hill an to the door.

"I'll get Kill to speak with you then you can apologize."

He seemed okay with my terms as he opened the doors.

"Ah Illumi your back! Did you pass the exam!?"

A woman walked up. She wore a big hat and had um I forgot what it's called over her eyes. She looked to me and seemed somewhat curious.

"Dear who is this?"

"Mother this is Thorn."

I gave a smile as she did a happy smile then wrapped her arms around me.

"Ma'am please keep the knife to yourself."

She paused then released me, I raised a brow at her shocked look.

"How did you know?"

"The knife in your sleeve needs to be a bit smaller, may I?"

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