Heaven's Arena

611 21 4

I hummed as I walked down the halls, I was still at the Zoldyck's and that client should call me today. My Birthday is at the end of this month. I then saw Gramps.

"Oh hey Gramps."

The elder assassin looked to me then smiled.

"Hello Thorn, nice to see you again."

I chuckled as we caught up then my phone rang.

"Excuse me this is work."

He nodded as I picked up the phone switching my emotions to nothing.

"Why hello Miss Red, now then about that assassination."

"Go ahead sir I am listening."

"Oh where are my manners, my name is Chrollo Lucilfer. I want you to go to Heaven's Areana and kill ****** ****. Do it discreetly but make sure the body is found quickly. After words I would like to meet you at the buss stop on **** ******."

"Okay Mr. Lucilfer."

"Do call me Chrollo Miss Red."

He hung up as I saw Gramps looking at me. I turned my switch off as he smirked.

"I missed your cold voice."

I chuckled at this.

"Well I do apologize on cutting this short. But I have a contract to fill, do inform Illumi once he comes back from his mission."

He nodded as I walked out. Need to go home an get my clothes, I messaged Hisoka that I was going to Heavens Areana. I got on the train an stopped at the station went home and grabbed my clothes. Crap I don't have a top it got ruined last mission. Then a neatly wrapped box on my table. I raised a brow.

I left a present for your Thorn💖

I raised a brow an pulled the ruby ribbon from the coal box in it laid a black halter top that was obviously Lingerie, but wasn't at the same time. I hummed then smirked, new top.

Thank You Hisoka❤️

I giggled as he sent a smiley face, I slipped on my clothes(up top) and brushed through my hair an teeth. I then walked out not caring if anyone saw me. It should be getting dark soon, I let my gold and crimson necklace bound from my skin as I ran through an into town. I then took a taxi to Heavens Arena.

I did a yawn it was pretty late an I can't go in unless I registered. I walked up to the desk and did the papers signed them and handed them over. Now to find the target.

"Who's the hottie?"

"Wow that aurora~"

"She's kinda scary."

I was then tackled.

"She's going to die!"

I looked to Hina as she giggled I shook my head an rubbed her head. She pouted knowing she might get scholded but ran off before I could say anything. I shook my head an went to the elevator an went to the first floor.

He's on the 200th Floor.

(Insert Random Image)

Kill him in his room, I want a picture of his head.

Miss Red

I hummed can't do anything till tomorrow. I walked to the cramp room an fell asleep.


I sat up an took off my mask, I fell asleep in my clothes...might as well wear them for fighting. Or bra an shorts. I hummed then shrugged I'll wear em. I got some food an drink from the machine then went to the room ate brush hair teeth then I pulled a pen from my bag at my hip an wrote an idea for a character. Now to go fight someone. I ended up going through the first lot by using blood lust. Before I knew it I was at the 200th floor. I hummed an saw Hisoka he smirked and wrapped an arm around me once I gave more papers to the receptionist.

"What are you doing?"

It shocked the woman, I gave her to speak in any rounds. So this was mainly the first time she heard me speak. I walked with Hisoka as he eyed my top.

"I see you like it~"

I giggled at his comment not being able to control my hidden smile.

"Yeah this is my favorite so far. It's comfy an doesn't pinch my skin."

He chuckled as we passed some people who just stared at us.

"Excuse me I'm a reporter May I ask if you two are dating?"

I raised a brow at her question. I saw no point in speaking to her an Hisoka seemed to want my answer. I simply removed his arm an took his hand leading him to my room.


We stoped as I used the key to enter.

"Your right next to me~but dear Thorn what is your answer?"

He seemed genuinely curious, to be fair I had liked both Hisoka an Illumi forever. Illumi just didn't know I existed until recently and I can't tell if Hisoka flirts with everyone or just me. Which I doubt that. I'm sure he fucked Illumi. His arms wrapped around me, I red seeped into my skin feeling him loose control.

"U-um H-Hisoka?!"

He huffed as he leaned down his hands gripping my waist an hips.

"I won't hold back."

I shivered at the sudden serious tone, his sis is protective of me an states that if he 'shwinged' at me once she would kill him. What ever that means, but now I'm starting to wonder...

"Thorn, tell me what do you see me as?"

My eyes widened as he managed to turn me around and gently took off my mask.

"I-um..I.ILIKEDYOUFORAWHILEBUTITHOUGHTYOUWOULDNTSEEMETHATWAY...So Um. I just thought I wasn't worth your time. And um I do like Illumi too...he just started releasing I existed..."

I red stained my skin as I looked away clearly flustered. Their was nothing then a chuckle, I looked to the man.

"I-um Hisoka?"

A pink stained his skin as I felt his hands travel to my ass. A red sealed into my skin as he leaned down an kissed me. It wasn't rough nor soft it was passionate and full of lust. He licked my lips which I allowed him to swirl his tongue into my mouth. We fought for dominance only him winning. We parted for air a string of saliva fell an dripped down onto my chest.

"Be Mine."

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