Chrollo Lucifer(Part 1)

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I woke up with a yawn then saw the boys. I did a warm smile then did a hum. Alright I have less then an hour to schedule a fight. Then I need to meet my target an find a shirt or different clothing. Didn't Moon state he brought some clothing? The a hum filled my ears as Hisoka woke up with a big smile.

"Hello Dear~"

I returned the gesture with a giggle.

"Hello Love~"

A red stained his skin at my velvet voice.

"Hmm Thorn~"

A red increases on our skins as Illumi looked up to me an Hisoka. He tilted his head as he leaned up off my breast.

"Is something wrong."

We looked to each other then to the cute male then gave him a hug.

"Guys what are you doing?"

He looked up at us as I giggled at him while Hisoka gave a smirk an claimed his left side while I laid on his right.

"Your adorable~"

We cooed as he red seeped into his skin.

"Ah that's right we both fight today."

"Then you meet Chrollo tonight."

We nodded at Illumi.

"Ah do you have clothes Illumi?"

He did a nod an pointed to his bag in the grey chair.

"M Kay~we need to get up~"

I sat up and began to go to the bath as I turned to look at the boys.

"Um is something wrong?"

I looked to them, Hisoka licked his lips while Illumi sat their studying my figure. A red sealed into my skin as I went to the bathroom. Hisoka you rubbed the perverted ways to Illumi? I huffed as a red seaped into my skin. I walked into the shower, this is a heck of a lot better then the first floor...and cleaner. My ocd was going everywhere in that damned room. I washed through my hair feeling Hisoka behind me. Then Illumi did a smile as he slid in in front of me.


They chuckled as Illumi grabbed my rose shampoo an started to do my hair. While Hisoka did his, I turned and stood on my toes to do Hisoka's. I giggled as we washed up then I grabbed a cherry towel as the boys got white. I walked into the room and got some clothes from Moon's bag. Huh it's pretty cute. A dark red top pants heels then with my gloves mask and my hip bag. Heck yeah.(Picture up top) I hummed as I put on my velvet bra an black underwear.

"Is that lace or just black?"

I ignored my red face as Hisoka eyed my ass.

"Why do you like my ass so much?"

"Because it's the best one I've seen."

I mumbled as Illumi handed me my gloves, bag an mask. His eyes were at my breast, then he hummed.

"Still want to know why your breast is so large."

I raised a brow at his question then Hisoka wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted said breast.

"I'm quite curious myself."

"It runs in the family."

Illumi raised a brow while Hisoka hummed then my red face increased.

"Put on your clothes!"

Hisoka chuckled as Illumi did a curt smile. I put on the feast of my clothes along with the boys. Illumi walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

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