Ethan's Lover

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The robotic girl had paced she never thought Thorn would be well that. The markings are rare, she should of known from her eyes. Yet she had never saw her true form. She was worried and knew if she couldn't control her powers she an others around her would die. With limited choices she decided to go to the man who raised the Hopes an only one person could bring her their.

"Excuse me, twins can you bring me to Hell?"

Two men, they were the eldest of the Hopes an rarely known. They both had trailing black hair that faded down one to a pink the other a blue. Their eyes were opposing one having a pink set of demonic eyes while the other held blue. The eldest of the two walked up he looked pissed knowing someone had asked to see their father. It would mean death for the woman.

"Why do you need to see our father?"

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"Why do you need to see our father?"

He spoke through his coal mask his voice was deeper then she had thought almost startling her.

"It's very important if I don't do this soon Thorn could be in danger."

The man paused, Thorn was like a mother and sister. He didn't care if she was younger she was important in more ways then one an always helped him when he needed it an he would do the same.

"Fine let's go, Bill tell Rose where I'm going with Zinx. Keep her catch up an have someone keep an eye on Thorn. Well could you brother?"

"Of course Will."

He then spread his bat wings an disappeared.

"Take my hand."

She nodded an took his hand as he opened a portal an walked through. The throne room, they released each other and wandered through the castle. The Hopes father was none other than the King of Demons. Divial Hope while their mother was the Queen of angels. Lilith Quartz. The Hopes disputed their birth mother for the cruel an heartless woman she was.

"Son what are you doing hear?"

The King smiled at his eldest son the male returned the gesture an looked to the robotic woman.

"Ah hello Zinx, why might you be hear?"

"I need to see him."

Divial was taken off guard by this question but nodded.

"Will you may go back."

"Okay dad."

Will gave a smile an left to his brother. Then the king walked through the hall.

"Zinx it is a surprise to hear this are you sure?"

"I've been meaning to get him but it's time and Thorn...."

The King seemed panicked the girl was like a daughter to him he didn't want any harm to come to the woman.

"Is she alright?"

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