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"Be Mine."

"U-m What about I-Illumi."

He chuckled.

"He can join~"

I shivered filled my body as someone walked through the door. W-what!? I froze turning a bright red then saw Illumi. He closed the door.

"You did it without me."

The red increased as he went behind me an held my waist.


He leaned down resting his head on my shoulder.

"W-what boys e-explain?"

Hisoka chuckled as he did a mischief filled hum.

"Well Dear we both agreed to keep you~ that is if you'll let us? So what do you say?"

I could feel Illumi look to me as Hisoka leaned down. Their not playing with me...their serious. My eyes widened then a soft smile filled my lips.


Then I was being attacked, lips ran up my neck as Illumi's hand groped my breast while Hisoka claimed my lips. A moan slipped from my lips into Hisoka's as their hands wandered.

"Boys let me kill this guy."

A chuckle flooded Hisoka's lips as I was turned around Illumi gave me a soft kiss that soon flooded into a rough mess. His tongue flooded into my mouth as it explored my mouth. Hisoka was rubbing an grouping my ass an undoing my top. Leaving hickeys down my back. Then Illumi spoke after parting.

"Not yet."

Wow, this is rare. I huffed then pulled him down.


A red tinted their skin as Hisoka licked his lips while Illumi did a small smile.

"Your Mine tonight."

A red seeped as they spoke in union and stripped.


I did a yawn, seeing Illumi walk back in. My phone in hand.

"I got it for you."

I did a smile as he stripped off his clothes and got back into bed. Hisoka was behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. He slipped in in front of me an looked down as my phone buzzed. I raised a brow as he handed me my electronic.

Good job will meet tomorrow at the ****** Station.

Miss Red

"I wasn't aware you were working for Chrollo."

I hummed as he set the phone in the table. I felt Hisoka move his breath on my neck.

"Oh your working for the boss~"

I raised a brow at Hisoka, Illumi had set his arms around my waist.


He chuckled.

"You'll see~"

I did a smile as he buried his nose into my neck.

"Wait...I can't wear my top tomorrow."

Hisoka smiled as Illumi did a smile. He buried his nose into my breast. A red sealed into my skin.

"What shirt am I going to wear for work then?"

Hisoka hummed as Illumi raised a brow.

"I have a top you can use, I stopped by your house."

"How did you even know where it was?"

"I asked Kill."

I gave a smile an ran a hand through his hair leaning into Hisoka more.

"It's good to see your relationship is getting better."

He did a smile an leaned into my chest before going to sleep.

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