What Am I?

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I hummed as I looked to Hisoka. He did a small smile as he wrapped his arms around my waist, Illumi was behind me with his arms on my breast. He gave a soft kiss to my lips then leaned onto my shoulder. I did a soft hum and smiled.


I smiled as Illumi looked to me an did a soft smile.

"Want to go on a mission with me."


I did a yawn as he gave a small kiss to my neck. I hummed as we began to get up. Hisoka stretched as I slipped out of bed grabbing some clothes. I put on a simple red dress leather jacket, heeled boots, gloves, my glasses and about to put my hair up.

"I got it."

Illumi grabbed his pin an put half of my hair up with the pin.

"Thank you~"

He hummed as he wrapped his arms around my waist as Hisoka was in front of me with his arms on my shoulders.

"Oo~you've dressed up today~"

I smiled as Illumi agreed with him.

"I just felt like it, also I can't remember the last time I wore a dress."

I hummed thinking back. Last time I wore a dress was when I went to Ethan's house to kill those assholes.

"I'll fight someone later today~"

I gave a smile as Hisoka thought out loud, then Illumi spoke.

"Thorn's going on a mission with me."

Hisoka nodded while I hummed an leaned on Illumi more.

"I may see Kill an Gon before we leave, Illumi when do we leave?"

He hummed then spoke as Hisoka leaned into my breast.

"Around 3:30."

He looked at his phone.

"Seven hours."

I nodded as the boys released me, I made some French toast which we ate. It was comfortable silence with a few flirts Hisoka threw in.

"Thorn when's your birthday?"

I hummed an looked to Illumi who ate the last piece of French toast.

"May 31st."

They looked to me as Hisoka spoke.

"That's next week."

I nodded an ate last piece of my toast.

"Thorn if your a Cipher and not human how old are you."

I raised a brow at Illumi.

"Eighteen, at least that's what I know. I mean I was a pure breed demon until suicide which made me a fallen angel or reaper."

"Fallen angel?"

Hisoka questioned as I nodded.

"Yeah a reaper an a fallen angel are counted as the same. While a fallen angel from human standards are lost souls."

Hisoka hummed as Illumi tilted his head.

"Can you explain further."

I nodded as they sat their while I explained.

"Technically speaking all Cipher's are pure breed Demons. The only people who know are well Ciphers and the Zoldyck's and well now Hisoka. We are also due to immortality until one is killed by their soulmate or were meant to die. We can also bite someone an turn them into a demon, but you have to kiss them and they can't be over thirty. Oh an as a Cipher I have a limited ability of searching someone's past present an future. I'm unsure of what the others had but mine is basically looking into your eyes. But to see their information I have to give mine to them as well. Say I want to see your first birthday. Then you will see my first birthday. So I don't really use it an sometimes forget about it. I can control it better but it use to be where I couldn't look anyone in the eyes. Um also Demons are actually nice people and Angels are terrible people..."

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