Cause Im lazy an Dont know how this works

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Hisoka passed through the pale halls as Illumi leaned into his knee quickly tapping his foot. A loud scream caused the boys to leak blood lust. Thorn was in pain yet they could do nothing but stand their with her brother and his girlfriend. Because they got kicked out for leaking bloodlust at the nurse. Zinx leaned near the door the woman seemed more impatient. At first the group was surprised an decided to take a few steps back when Gon tried to ask her something. But was almost killed in the process. Then a cry the boys stopped as another fell. A powerful presence came from the room.

"The Yin & Yang are born."

Lime stated gripping Ethan's hand hopping the best for the infants an their parents.

"Congratulations a healthy baby boy and girl are born."

"Different genders?"

Zinx question wide eyed as the nurse nodded. The men passed her walking in to see a tired Thorn with a baby boy an girl in her arms. She smiled as the two walked over.

"Hello Sun & Moon."

They sat on the bed as Illumi took the girl an Hisoka was handed the little boy.

"Meet Alexander Rose Zoldyck-Morrow and Amilia Rionna Zoldyck-Morrow."

A tear then two they both were crying staring down at the small infants. A small smile formed as Thorn sat herself up more. Then the Alexander opened his eyes showing coal hair with a crimson pupil. While Amilia held golden irises with crimson pupils.

"Welcome to the world."


The first few months were hectic, they both would sob just for their parents attention or if they couldn't see each other. The other months until they were a year old were calm. They only cried if they needed food or their diaper changed. Ethan an Lime helped while Zinx disappeared. Gon and Killua would play with Alluka staring and playing with them once in awhile. She mainly helped with diapers an making sure they don't get anything their not suppose to.

"Should we return to Japan?"

Thorn was rocking Amilia while Hisoka had Alexander. Illumi was called back to the family estate to speak with his father and mother. Kill was the one to speak as Gon leaned against him half asleep. It was almost one in the morning and the two had woken up with dirty diapers and tired.

"Once they reach one I have to go back to the Phantom Troupe."


"Yes Kill is something wrong?"

She folded her brows hearing his tone.

"Kurupika is the chain user."

Her eyes widened.

"Wait did Kurta give you the okay to tell me he knows I'm currently in the troupe."

"Wait he knows!"

Amilia started to cry. Hisoka gave a short glare as he began to rock Alexander who also woke up.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake them."

His tone was hushed again.

"Dear I'll put Alex down do you want me to take Amilia too?"

Thorn gave a smile an kissed his cheek.

"Go put Alex down then go to sleep if he wakes up I'll handle him. Okay love?"

He gave a curt smile an kissed her cheek.

"Alright, don't stay up too late."

She nodded as the man left to lay the child down an go off to bed. She continued to rock Amilia as she cooed am cuddled into her mother's breast.

"Yes Kurta knows I told him when I first joined. But theirs a trick you see me and The Boss came to an arrangement. He can't touch my friends or family if he dose I'm allowed to slaughter the troupe."

"You basically have it where he can't touch us."

She did a nod then a cat smirked formed.


"Killua~can we go back to bed..."

I chuckled as Kill excused himself.

"Oh and Killua."

He stopped an turned.

"Will go back in three days."

Killua nodded with a smile and picked Gon up bridal style before walking to bed. The girl pawed at her breast.

"Sweetheart it's to early when you wake up I'll feed you both."

She cooed softly at the infant an set her in the crib with her brother. She stretched and yawned before going to bed again.

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