2: All The Kids Are Depressed

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Zoey's POV

I walked into the adoption room, quietly, making sure not to draw any attention. I sat on a chair, not caring that a man walked in.

It's not like I was getting adopted anyways. It's not like anyway will adopt a 16 year old girl that has more scars than friends.

"Hey, look it's Scar." Mia, my main bully, said. Scar has been her little "nickname" for me.

"Just leave me alone." I muttered.

"What did I tell you about talking about, squirt?" Mia said, grabbing my shirt and lifting me up.

"Yeah, Scar." Makayla, Mia's twin, said, smirking.

"Hey, Mia! Makayla! Leave Zoey alone!" Mrs. Julie, the orphanage head, yelled.

Mia dropped me, making me hit my head on the chair. Mia and Makayla walked away.

"You must be Zoey." The man said.

"Uh yeah." I said.

"I'm Griffin." The man said. "How about you come home with me?"

"Oh you don't want me." I said.

"I do." Griffin said. "Come on."

Griffin grabbed my hand and pulled me to Mrs. Julie's office. I was in so much shock as Mia gave me a mean look and Makayla smirked.

"Mrs. Julie? I would like to adopt Zoey." Griffin said.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Julie asked, frowning. "She's been abused and bullied her whole life."

"I'm sure." Griffin said, letting go of my hand.

"Well ok." Mrs. Julie said. "Zoey, go pack. Griffin, you need to sign these paper before you can adopt."

I went and packed my stuff. I still couldn't believe it. I put my last of my clothes in my bag. All I had was hoodie and ripped jeans. They are all black.

They help cover up my scars and black is my favorite color. I grabbed my backpack and walked down to the lobby.

"Come on, Zoey." Griffin said and we walked to his car.

We got it and he showed me all of the boys from a pic. He told me all about them.

"You can call me Griff or, when you get comfortable, Dad." Griffin said.

"Ok." I said. "You can call me Z or Zoe. Whatever you want really."

"Ok, Z." Griffin winked as we pulled up to a big white house.

"Wow." I said and Griff laughed.

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