42: 18

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Zoey's POV

I ran out of the green room and to the parking lot. I saw Zach. Yes, Zach Clayton. I ran up to him.

He's been coming to my concerts lately with Nick and I think they are an actual couple.

"Zach! Nick!" I yelled. They turned around and Zach ran to me.

"What's wrong?" Zach asked as I cried into his chest.

"I just w-want to g-go home n-now please." I stuttered.

"Ok ok." Nick said. "Let's get you home, Z."

Zach grabbed my hand. We walked to his car. I explained everything as we drove to the Sway House.

Nick had a meeting, but Zach came in with me. We walked in. Everyone had just gotten home.

I walked into the living room to see everyone there. I sat down, Zach sitting next to me. I sighed.

"We have already told everyone what had happened." Noah said.

"Oh." I said.

"I'm guessing us four are single now, I guess?" Bryce asked, referring to Blake, Noah, him and I.

"I guess so." Noah sighed.

"I am going upstairs. Don't come check on me." I said.

"Zo-" Dad started.

"Come on, Zach." I said.

I grabbed Zach's wrist and dragged him upstairs with me. We went into my room and I made sure to slam it and lock it.

"Soo?" Zach asked.

"What?" I asked, voice cracking.

"No. Don't cry. Don't cry." Zach said as he hugged me, rubbing my back, trying to help.

"Two people have cheated on me, Zach. I'm a horrible person." I cried and Zach sighed.

"No, you're not, Zoey. How about this? I text Jaden and Nick. We have a day together." Zach asked.

"Tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yup." Zach said.

"Y'all would do that for me?" I asked and Zach nodded.

"I'll text them." Zach said. I nodded as we laid down.

"Are you and Nick dating?" I asked.

Zach blushed and I smiled. I started dancing on my bed. Zach laughed and pulled me back down.

"Zick!!!!" I yelled.

"Ok ok." Zach said. "Calm down."

"It's almost 10." I said.

"We better get some sleep if we're going to do things tomorrow." Zach said. "Goodnight, Z."

"Goodnight, Z." I laughed back.

I smiled and fell asleep with Zach's arm around me.

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