44: Lost Boy

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Griffin's POV

"Bryce, Tayler is here." I said as I opened the door for Tayler.

"Tay!" Bryce yelled, running into the room and attacking him Tayler with a hug, almost making him fall.

"Bry!" Tayler yelled, hugging him back. They fell on the ground.

"Weirdos." I said, laughing.

"I missed you, B." Tayler said, not letting go of Bryce.

"I missed you too." Bryce said and started to cry.

Tayler picked up Bryce and they walked upstairs and to Bryce's room as Kio walked in.

"Kio!" I yelled.

Kio ran to me and hugged me, wrapping his little legs around my waist. I kissed his neck.

"Lets go to your room." Kio said with a wink. I smiled.

"Of course, baby." I said and we went to my room.

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