51: death bed

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Jaden's POV

I was so into my skateboarding that I didn't realize that Zoey was talking to a guy. I stopped skateboarding and noticed that she was.

I walked up to them. Zoey smiled as I sat down next to them. You could see a little bit of her two month bump.

"Payton, this is Jaden oh and Jaden, this is Payton." Zoey said.

We smiled at each other and we did a little bro hug.



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"Sorry. I skateboarded for so long, Zoe." I said.

"No. It's fine, Jade. I got to meet Payton." Zoey said.

My phone went off and it was a text from Kio, so I quickly opened the message. Zoey went back to talking with Payton.

Kio💙- Hey. Can you come home?

Jay💚- Hi and why?

Kio💙- Josh locked himself in his room. He won't open the door. He might open it to you.

Jay💚- On my way.

"We need to go home. Josh locked himself and his room." I said.

"Ok. Want to come, Payton?" Zoey asked and Payton nodded.

"Let's go!" I yelled.

We ran to the car. I threw the boards in the back. Zoey sped home and I ran inside. I ran to Josh's room.

Payton and Zoey were behind me, running. No one was by his room or anything. I shrugged it off, knocking on the door.

"Hey, Josh?" I asked.

"Come in." Josh's voice said from the other side of the door.

I opened the door. Standing there by his bed was Josh. He was holding up a sign. It read "Will you be my boyfriend?"

I froze. Everyone stood there, waiting for their answer. I ran and hugged Josh, almost falling over.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I yelled.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Kio and Zoey yelled as they danced around.

"How long have y'all been planning this?" Payton asked.

"Yesterday." Kio answered. "Wait, who are you?"

"Everyone, this is Payton. I met him at the skate park." Zoey said.

"Hi." Payton said.

"Well, Payton, how old are you? Will you hurt her?" Griffin interrogated.

"19 and never." Payton answered.

"Daaaadd." Zoey said. "Please, don't embarrass me."

"It's fine." Payton said.

"Oh, Payton, by the way, this is Noah, Blake, Kio, Josh, Quinton, Bryce and my dad." Zoey said.

Payton nodded. Zoey took a deep breath and I laughed.

"My dad and Kio are together. Blake and Noah are together. I used to date Blake. You know Jaden. Josh is now dating Jaden. Bryce and Quinton are single, but we're all pretty sure that they like each other." Zoey said.

"Dang." Griffin said.

"I'm out of breath." Zoey said.

"Here." Kio said, handing her his water bottle.

"Thanks, Kio." Zoey said and drank half of it. "I'll get you another one."

"It's fine." Kio said.

"Wait if you're my dad's boyfriend then should I call you dad too?" Zoey asked. Griffin and Kio looked at each other. Kio smiled.

"I would love that." Kio said.

Zoey hugged him. Kio kissed her on her forehead. Griffin joined the hug, pulling Payton in.

"I love y'all." I said.

"I love you too." Everyone said.

Griffin and Kio pulled the rest of us in the group hug. Payton kissed my cheek and I smiled.

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