12: Falling

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Blake's POV

Quinton was sitting on the bathroom floor, crying. Noah and I ran to him, hugging him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I love her." Quinton said.

"Zoey?" Noah asked and Quinton nodded, wiping his tears away.

We just sat there for a few minutes when Quinton finally spoke.

"Why is it so easy to fall for a girl that will never love me back?" Quinton asked and sighed.

"I don't know..." I said, slowly.

At this point and I don't know why, we were all crying on the bathroom floor like weirdos.

Bryce and Griffin walked in. They came over and hugged us. They sat on the floor with us.

We all dried our tears and said that he was just thinking about his dead grandma. They believed him.

"Let's go back to Zoey." Griffin said and Quinton nodded, sadly.

We walked out of the bathroom and to our spot. Zoey was on the ground, almost passed out. Quinton ran to her and she passed out.

Quinton picked her up, yelling for someone to call 911. Noah called them as we ran outside.

We ran to one car. Quinton jumped in the passenger with Zoey still in his arms, Noah, Bryce and I got in the back and Griffin got driver.

We sped to the hospital and ran her in. They took Zoey out of Quinton's arms and ran her back to a room.

Quinton turned around and hugged me, crying. I hugged him, basically holding him up.

"I love her." Quinton said.

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