4: Comatose

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Griffin's POV

I had already bought Zoey clothes, but they might be too big. She took her bag upstairs to her room.

(I'm changing the house a big. It's a three story. The first floor is the stuff like the kitchen, doing room and living room.

Griffin, Nick and Bryce get the second floor. Quinton, Anthony, Kio and Zoey got the third floor.)

I sat on the couch and Nick showed me the video where Quinton was freaking out.

"Weirdo." I said, laughing and smiling a little. "Wait! Who said that Quinton was my kid?"

"Me." Nick said.

"She's adorable." Bryce said.

"Watch it!" I yelled. "She only 16."

"Perfect for Quinton." Anthony said.

"I said that!" Kio yelled.

"Quinton isn't allowed to have a girlfriend and Zoey isn't allowed to have a boyfriend." I said.

"Dad?!" Quinton yelled as I laughed.

"But why?" Kio asked.

"They would be cute together." Nick said and I death glared him.

"Neither of them are allowed to date." I repeated.

"Dang ok." Kio said.

"I-I got to go." Bryce said, grabbing Quinton and Kio, running upstairs and to his room.

"I'm going to check up on Zoey and help her unpack." I said.

"Wait, Griff." Nick said and I froze.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning around.

"You might have to buy new clothes for Zoey. She's a little small." Nick said and laughed.

"Really small." Anthony said.

"I know." I laughed.

I walked to Zoey's room and walked in after knocking and her opening the door. She had changing into the hoodie I bought her.

I smiled and sat on her bed as she kept putting her last bit of clothes in the closet along with a pair of shoes.

"I might have to buy new clothes for you." I said.

"Probably." Zoey laughed.

"So um what do you think about the boys?" I asked as she sat next to me on the bed.

"They seem nice." Zoey shrugged.

"Sometimes they are." I said.

Zoey laughed and laid down on her bed as I stood up. I kissed her cheek as she smiled at me.

"Goodnight, Z." I said.

"Goodnight, Dad." Zoey said and I smiled, walking out of the room.


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