18: You Were My Best Friend

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Zoey's POV

I am currently crying my eyes out in my room. I just got noise that my old best friend was dead.

His name was Matthew. We have been best friends since we both arrived in the orphanage.

"Zoey? Are you ok?" Bryce asked, walking in.

"I never got to say bye." I cried.

Dad walked in with Jaden. Dad sat down beside me, hugging me. Jaden sat down, kissing my cheek.

"I know." Dad said. "It's going to be ok, Zoey."

"His family sent this." Bryce said, handing me a box.

I opened it and there was a letter with a picture. It was a picture of Mat and I. I read the letter.

"Dear Zoey,

"You were my best friend. My ride or die til the end."

I'm sorry, Zoe. I just couldn't do it anymore. I know we've always said that we would do it together.

But I went back to the orphanage for a visit, but you weren't there. I came back to my house.

By the time you get this, I'll be gone, but I'm watching over you and I'll protect you. Now don't do anything too stupid.

Love Mat."

"Is that Mat?" Dad asked, pointing at the pic.

"Yeah." I said. "It was the last day that we saw each other."

I grabbed the picture. I stood up and set it up on my mirror. I turned back around and cried into Jaden. Bryce and Dad left.

Then, after an hour, Jaden and Josh had to leave. Quinton walked into my room with a big smile.

"What could you possibly be smiling about, Q?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"This." Quinton said and lifted up his phone to show a pic of me.

I was sitting on the orphanage steps with Mat. It was the time that I first met him at the orphanage.

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"His mom set it to me." Quinton answered and I nodded.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course." Quinton said, sitting beside me on the bed.

"What do you do when you like two people, but you can't date and you don't know of they like you?" I asked and Quinton smiled.

"Well, Zoey, I think that whoever you choose will be the happiest man alive and that the boy you don't, will understand." Quinton said.

"Thanks, Q." I said.

I shoved him out of the room. I sat at my desk. My pic on my mirror lined up in order.

From my first crush to my last: Mat, Quinton, Bryce then Liam Payne.

I laughed, quietly. I moved my Mat pic and my Liam pic to the left side of my mirror.

I grabbed my Bryce and Quinton next to each other. I think I have a choice, but I need something.

"Dad! Blake! Noah!" I yelled.

"What?" Blake yelled, running in with Noah and Dad behind him.

"Can I date?" I asked.

"Yes!" Blake and Noah yelled.

"Depends." Dad said.

"Well I think you might approve of who I chose." I said and pointed at the pic of the boy.

"Yes!" Blake and Noah yelled.

Dad nodded, smiling.

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