11: Ain't Got You

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Zoey's POV

"He's been in the bathroom for a while now." Blake said.

"Is he ok?" I asked, quietly.

Dad smiled at me and put his arm around me.

"Z, that's the first time you've talked in a whole month." Dad said, kissing my forehead.

"I'll go check on him." Blake said and Noah nodded.

They left to go get Quinton and I had a weird feeling.

Ten minutes later, we got our food and the boys still haven't gotten back. Dad and Bryce went to go check on them.

It's been a full minute and people are staring at me. Is it getting hot? My right arm and hand started to shake really bad.

"I can't breathe." I tried to say, but it came out as a gasp.

People stared to stare even more as I tried to stand up. My body started to shake and I fell over.

The last thing I saw was Quinton's green eyes before everything went completely black...

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