6: 18

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Kio's POV
(It's morning)

I walked upstairs to look for a charger, because mine isn't working for some reason. I heard singing, but didn't think much of it.

I know that Anthony and Quinton are downstairs and they already told me that they don't have one I could borrow, so I went to Zoey's room.

I then realized that the singing was coming from her room. I knocked, but she didn't answer, so I eased the door open.

I looked in and Zoey was sitting on her bed, playing the guitar, singing and I-I fell in love.

She was singing and playing along to 18 by One Direction. I fell deeper for this girl. No, Kio! No! She is your best friend's daughter.

"Dang, Zoey. You can sing and play guitar?" I asked.

She turned and saw me. She tossed the guitar to the side and froze as she pulled her legs to her knees.

"I know I'm bad." Zoey said.

"What? No way! You're great at both, Zoe!" I yelled.

"No, I'm not." Zoey said as I sat next to her.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"I got bullied for two reason. I can't sing and I'm small." Zoey said as she started to tear up.

"One, your voice is amazing. Two, I think it's cute." I said with a wink.

"Thank, Kio." Zoey said.

"I have to tell the boys." I said.

"Will they like my voice?" Zoey asked and I smiled.

"Definitely." I said. "Do you write music or something?"

"I do covers." Zoey said.

"What's your YouTube?" I asked.

"Zoeyrose." Zoey said. "Same as my Instagram and everything else."

"Ok. Thanks." I said. I ran out of the room then ran back in. "Do you have an extra charger by chance?"

"Yeah here." Zoey said and threw me one. I smiled and waved.

"Now it's time to stalk all of your socials!" I yelled and I heard Zoey laugh as she followed me.

"Kio, calm down." Griffin said. "Why are y'all running?"

"Zoey can sing!!!" I yelled as loud as I could as Zoey blushed, laughing.

"I'm ok." Zoey said.

"She's amazing." I said.

"Really?" Griffin asked.

"Zoey can what?" Quinton asked as he came in with Bryce and Nick right behind him.

"Zoey can sing." Griffin said.

"And play the guitar." I added.

"Dang. Zoey, you need to show us sometime." Nick said.

"Yeah." Bryce said.

"Zoey can what?" Anthony asked, walking in. "Sorry I was asleep." 

We laughed, knowing he heard us from the living room. Then Griffin, Zoey, Bryce and Quinton left to go shopping for clothes.

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