27: all the kids are depressed

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No one's POV

(It's been a year and a half.)

Zoey was doing her music video for all the kids are depressed and she was really excited for it.

In the music video at the end, Zoey was yelling at the teacher about depression as the other students slowly started to fade away.

"I won't deny it 'cause you saw what it was
I can't deny it if you won't give a fuck
So I'll sew it up
You know I am so in love."

Then the teacher disappeared and Zoey was left alone in the classroom with tears coming out of her eyes.

Then Zoey faded away. Zoey took off to her changing room. Well she was crying for real. She texted Dad.

Zoe😘- Can someone come pick me up?

Dad😊- I'm with Dixie right now. Bryce can come.

Zoe😘- Ok. Thanks.

Dad😊- He's on his way.

Zoey put down her phone and Josh came up to her, hugging her. Josh is her manager.

Zoey showed him the texts and they walked outside together.

"You doing ok?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah, why?" Josh asked.

"Uh Nessa." Zoey said.

"Can you text Bryce and tell him I can take you home?" Josh asked.

"Yeah." Zoey said.

Zoey😊🤞🏼- Josh is taking me home.

Bry🤗🤞🏼- Ok. See you in a bit.

Zoey😊🤞🏼- See you.

"Ok." Zoey said.

They walked to Josh's car and got in without another word. They pulled out of the studio.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Zoey asked and Josh shook his head.

"No." Josh said. "Are you and Quint still dating?"

"Yeah." Zoey sighed.

"Why so sad?" Josh asked.

"He's been off lately. He's been smiling at his phone a lot like he's talking to someone okay he doesn't kiss or cuddle me as much like he used to." Zoey said.

"Are y'all going to break up?" Josh asked and Zoey shrugged.

"I don't know." Zoey said.

They pulled up to the Sway house and they both got out.

"No one should be home, well except maybe Quinton. They're all out filming and he just mainly stays in his room." Zoey said.

Josh nodded and put his arm around the 18 year old girl. Zoey smiled at her manager who was 21.

They walked inside and immediately froze. Right on the couch that were in the entrance, were Quinton and a girl, kissing.

"How could you?!" Zoey yelled and took off to her room.

"Wait, Zoey!" Quinton yelled.

"You just f*cked up." Josh said.

"Who was that?" The girl asked.

"His now ex girlfriend." Josh said and took off upstairs.

Quinton shoved the girl out the door and Josh stopped where he was. He could hear the door shut.

"You don't understand." Quinton said and Josh turned around.

"You cheated on her. What's not to understand?" Josh asked.

"Chloe, the girl, said that if I don't kiss her, she'll kill Zoey." Quinton said. Josh ran and hugged him.

"What's going to happen to you and Zoey?" Josh asked.

"I think Zoey should find someone else." Quinton said.

"And why's that?" Josh asked as they sat on the steps.

"I've seen the way that her and a special little someone look at each other." Quinton said.

"Who's that?" Josh asked.

Quinton shrugged and smiled. Josh had a moment of realization.

"You don't think that they actually do like each other?" Josh asked.

"I do." Quinton said.

"Tell him to get here now, Q!" Josh yelled and Quinton nodded.

Quinton ran into the kitchen as Josh texted the boys to stay away from home for a while and explained why and everything.

They all agreed. Quinton walked back in, smiling. Zoey's true love was on his way.

"I sure hope this works." Josh said.

"Me too." Quinton said.

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