34: Trauma

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Zoey's POV

Blake kissed me and he went to go invite people in. I went to the kitchen to find Jaden or Josh.

I found Jaden and we stayed in the kitchen for about two house then Josh came and needed Jaden.

I said it was fine, because I needed to find Blake anyways. I started to search, but I couldn't find anyone that I knew.

"Blake! Babe!" I yelled into the crowd, but no one answered.

"Are you lost, baby girl?" A boy asked, walking up to me.

"Uh no. This is my house." I said, pushing him away.

He already smells like beer badly and I didn't want to have to deal with a drunk man. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Oh come on." The man said. "My name is Eric."

"And I'm taken." I said, pulling away.

"Oh, baby I bet your boyfriend won't care." Eric said.

He grabbed my hand and started to drag me. I kept trying to pull away from him, but he was too strong, so I started to yell.

"Blake! Noah! Josh! Jaden!" I yelled, starting to cry. "Quint! Bryce!"

"Zoey!" Noah yelled, running up to me. "I'm here!"

Bryce was behind him and punched Eric in the face. Eric let go as he fell on the floor. Noah picked me up as I cried into his chest.

"Did he touch you?" Noah asked.

"Just my hand." I answered.

"It's a little red." Noah said.

Bryce dragged Eric out the door and we went to search for Blake, Dad, Josh or Jaden.

We couldn't find them, so we walked outside. I saw Blake. He was sitting on a chair with Dad, Josh and Jaden.

"Hi!" Blake yelled, clearly drunk.

"Uh we'll leave you to it." Bryce said and I nodded.

They ran off, hand in hand. I laughed and walked over to Blake. He smiled as he saw me.

"Hi!" Blake yelled.

"Hi, Blake." I said, kissing his nose and smiling.

"I'm sorry, but I'm taken. Her name is Zoey and she is the most beautiful girl in the world." Blake said.

"Oh is that so?" I asked.

"Yeah." Blake said, smiling. "I want to marry her."

"That's great." I said. I reached to hold his hand, but he pulled away.

"I have a girlfriend!" Blake yelled.

"She is your girlfriend!" Josh yelled, laughing along with Dad.

Everyone else had gone inside. The only people left were Dad, Josh, Blake and I.

"Zoey?" Blake asked and I nodded.

"It's me." I said with a smile.

"Kissssss meeeeeee!" Blake yelled.

I leaned over and kissed him. Blake started to squeal like a happy little boy. I laughed.

"I just kissed my girlfriend!" Blake yelled and we laughed.

"How about we take you upstairs, babe?" I asked.

"Can we cuddle?" Blake asked.

"If you come upstairs with me." I said and he squealed again.

Blake stood up and grabbed my hand, running inside. We ran all the way to our room.

Blake jumped onto the bed and I locked the door, so no one from the party will come in.

"I love you." I said, kissing Blake.

"I love you tooooooo." Blake sang.

I kissed his forehead as he wrapped his arms around me like a little kid, making me smile. Then he fell asleep and I did too.

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