57: The Search

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Payton's POV

"Oh no." Griffin said as the door opened to reveal a drunk man.

I didn't know who it was until he lifted up his head. It was Nick. Yeah, Nick Bean, the singer/YouTuber. I had met him a few weeks ago.

"Nick!" Griffin said and pulled him out of the room.

"How did you get here? You're supposed to be in Texas for a few weeks." I said as we walked into the living room.

"I didn't want to go, boy!" Nick yelled.

"Great." Griffin said as Nick plopped onto the couch. "Now I have to call Kio."

"I'll watch him." I said.

Nick was asleep, so there wasn't much to watch. I sat on the other couch, not knowing what to do. I decided to text Zach about his boyfriend.

Payton💚- Hey. Uh your boyfriend is at the Sway House and he's drunk.

Zach😜- Phew. I woke up and he wasn't here.

Zach😜- I'm heading over.

Payton💚- See you soon then.

Zach😜- See you.

I sighed as Griffin walked back in and sat beside me. Then Kio and Jaden busted through the door. I laughed a little as Kio ran over.

"I got ibuprofen and other medicine plus we bought Jaden a new hoodie." Kio said in a breath.

"Thanks, babe." Griffin said, kissing him.

"Oh he's already asleep." Jaden said, sitting beside me. "That's no fun."

"I know, right?" I said.

"Go to bed." Kio said.

We laughed as we ran to bed.

Soo. Should I do the ending in the next chapter or should I keep going?

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