9: Build Me A Daddy

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Zoey's POV

I walked back upstairs, shut my door and grabbed my guitar. I looked in the mirror that was placed on my dresser and sighed.

"Why am I like this?" I asked myself and sighed again.

I thought of a song that would go with what I'm feeling. I looked at my lock screen. It was of Dad and I.

Build Me A Daddy by Luke Bryan, but it's my own cover this time.

A girl walks past a window of a glowing, 'open' sign
Full of wooden toys and trucks and painted trains
Rings a bell up on the counter, hands a picture to the man
Of a kid beside a soldier smilin' away
Said, "Sir, I've heard you can build anything"

Could you build me a daddy?
Strong as Superman
Make him ten feet tall
And a crooked smile if you can
'Cause I sure miss him
Maybe you could bring him back
If I walked in with him, it'd sure make me happy

If you could build me a daddy
There's an old guitar back home hangin' on the wall
He promised me, he'd teach me how to play
And he said, when I got older, we could work on my voice
I know he'd never wanna miss a concert
So, here's a little money that I've saved

Could you build me a daddy?
Strong as Superman
Make him ten feet tall
And a crooked smile if you can
I sure miss him
Maybe you could bring him back
If I walked in with him, it'd sure make me happy
If you could build me a daddy

Give him a big heart, make his arms wide open
I know he misses me, so Mister, I was hoping
You build me a daddy
Strong as Superman
Make him ten feet tall
And a guitar in his hand
'Cause I sure miss him
Maybe you could bring him back
If I walked in with him, it'd sure make me happy

If you could build me a daddy
Could you build me a daddy?

Someone knocked on the door and I set my guitar on my desk, quickly dried my tear. I sat back down on my bed, taking a deep breath.

"Come in." I said.

"Uh hi, Z." Quinton said, walking in and I smiled.

"Hi, Q." I said.

"What's up?" Quinton said as he sat beside me.

"Nothing." I said.

Quinton sighed, looking at my guitar on my desk. He pulled out his phone and handed it to me.

I looked at it to see a picture of me, crying. I deleted the photo, tossing his phone back.

"So you photoshop picture?" I asked, not looking at him.

"It's not photoshopped, Z and you know it." Quinton said.

I sighed and looked at him. I looked away as he faced me. Quinton stood up, grabbing my chin, making me look at him.

We looked into each other's eyes and it was silent. Suddenly, Quinton pulled up my sleeves, revealing my scars from cutting.

"Quinton!" I yelled.

I pulled up my sleeves and pushed him out of my room.

"Zoey! Just listen to me!" Quinton yelled from the other side of the door as I locked it.

"I just want to be left alone!" I yelled.

"I bet so." Quinton said.

"What?" I asked as I wiped away my tears that were coming back.

"You don't need to be alone. I know how you feel." Quinton said.

"No, you don't, Griggs." I said. "You don't know the feeling of someone, knowing something that you've kept a secret for years."

"I have a secret that no one knows that I've kept for two days." Quinton said. "I love you, Zoey."

"What?" I asked, not knowing if I heard him right.

"I love you, Zoey Johnson." Quinton said and I smiled.

Suddenly, Quinton smashed his lips onto mine, making us fall back onto my bed. We smiled into the kiss.

"Stop! Get off her!" A voice yelled from my door behind us.

We looked up to see Griffin, Bryce, Kio and Nick, looking at us. Quinton got off me and we froze.

"Quinton, your room now!" Griffin yelled. Quinton and I just sat there, stunned. "Now, Griggs!"

Quinton walked out of the room with Nick and Kio. Bryce looked at me with sad eyes.

"Dad. I-" I started, but he cut me off with his yelling.

"I said no boyfriends!" Dad yelled and stormed off.

Bryce looked at me then shut my door as I fell back down onto my bed and started to cry.

I walked into the bathroom, grabbing my razor. I cut three times on my left arm then cleaned up, lifting my sleeves up.

Then the door opened, and I saw two boys that I haven't seen before. One with black hair. The other one with brown hair.

"Uh hi." I said.

"I'm Noah." The one with brown hair said and I nodded.

"I'm Blake." The one with black hair said and I nodded.

"You must be Zoey, Griffin's new daughter. We are the new Sway House members." Noah said and I nodded. "Griffin said that he wanted us to come say hi."

They left and I sighed.

"Great even more people to get make at me and judge." I said and fell asleep.

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