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Jaxcel POV.

"Hey dude you see that Girl over there !!" Jake

"yeah !! what about it ??"

"thats Samy !! the baddess female in this club!! I bet you wount have her !!"

"want a bet !! I'm going to ditch that Bitch after I F*ck her !!!"

"DEAL !!! my Ferrari for your Porche.

its going to be easy with this Bitches. I bamp into Samy "accidentaly"

"ohh sorry I wasnt looking where I was going !!"

"ohh its okay !! hey your Jaxcel right !!!"

"yeah !! and you are ??"

"Samy !!"

"ohh the baddest Girl in the Club !! "

"ahahaha not really!!"

"ohh come on !! "

"well if you say so !!"

"I have a problem ?"

"what would it be ?"

"I want to taste some of that Sexy Body of yours !!" ;)

"ohh baby thats not a problem at all !!"

"really ??"

"yeah !! because you can have it as long as you want !!"

gotcha !!! hahaha this bet is so a piece of cake !! I will have a knew Black Ferrari ;)

"so shall we go !!"

"we shall !!"


"Ohhhh !! Jaxcel Faster !!!"so I Fuck her faster that the bed is also moving !!! ohhh yeah I know this Bitch can resist my Hottness !!!

"ohh yeah baby !! "

"F*ck !!! Faster Faster !!"I hit her hard and hit her some more !!! very hard!!

"ahhh shit I just want to F*ck you some more !!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh !!! yeah F*ck me more !!! Gosh it fells F*cking Good" I grab her breast and suck it !! I enter my finger in her thing and play with it !!

"Ahhhmmm!!! yes !! yeah I like that !! more Jaxcel !! " as she said she want more so I give her more !!!

as we reach are Climax !!! we fell a sleep !!! damn this Bitch !!! she bite me in the ear !!! well I know she can help it because I'm so damn SEXY !!!

"i have fun but i got to go !!"

smirk !! every Bitch that I have sex they'll think I'll be there BoyFriend!! over my dead SEXY body !!! what a banch of stupid Girls !!!

so I ditch !! I allways leave after having Sex with some Bitches !!! ohh Jake is going to pay after this !!! ahahahaha

Texting Jake:

Hey douche bag I just finish F*cking this bitch of yours !!! its time to pay !! you lose on the bet !!!

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by the way I'm Jaxcel Kyle Handson !! I'm from S** D**** California !! My school is Demonican University !!! I'm the most popular Guy and the most Hottest in our school !! "smirk" well its true I'm the most rich and famous inside and outside the campus !! ahahaha

so go to go !!! I better leave before this Bitch wake up !!! see you ladys !!!

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