17: Samurai Showdown

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y/n was woken up by Nate, who was in his Agent 4 gear.

Nate: Hey, y/n, I'm really tired. Could you do the boss kettle for me? Thanks.

Nate walked off slowly with bags under his eyes, to the kettle that goes to Inkopolis Square. 

Marie: It's only 5:00...

y/n looked up, and saw Marie was standing next to him, leaning on the wall he was sitting against. 

y/n: How long have you been there?

Marie: 4 seconds, until I talked to you.

y/n: How do I let stuff like that keep happening?

Marie: What stuff?

y/n: I'm supposed to be the one sneaking up behind people.

Marie: Excuse me?

y/n: That's not what I meant. I was really good at stealth games back then...

Marie: A Stealth... Video game?

y/n: I guess you've got to see it to believe it.

y/n got up. The side where he was hit was definitely better, and it still hurt if he stretched the area, such as getting up, but it wasn't anything he couldn't live with. He traveled over to the second boss kettle, which was a little difficult to maneuver to. It was also pretty dangerous to get to. He went in.

Marie: Oh, I've got some special clothes for you to try on during this battle. You should have them on by the time you're out of the pipe.

y/n popped out of the kettle, once again, and landed. He noticed he wasn't wearing a body suit anymore, but traditional samurai robes.

y/n: What the-

Sheldon's drone thing flew over again.

Sheldon: Agent 4 decided to quit early again, did he? Well, I've got the perfect thing for you!

After the drone did another trip, it came back and dropped a katana and a hip sheath.

Sheldon: I can't wait to see you fight with this! I wonder if it'll be anything like the paintings I saw-

Marie: Coincidence strikes again. Show them the way of a samurai, n/n.

y/n: [I can't believe I'm doing this... Well, I've got to honor them sometime in my life. After all, I do represent all of humanity.]

He looked at the launch pad. He stared at it for a long while. just think for a little bit.

y/n: Nope. Hey Sheldon, can I use your drone for a minute?

After a short flight, which looked anything but majestic, y/n did a flip and landed gracefully on the boss platform, and the drone went away. His opponent, who took the zapfish under his ink, was slowly rising in a shining ball of light. y/n didn't question it, and raised his sword in the only stance he knew, from seeing Metal Gear Rising. The Octo Samurai had revealed himself, and y/n stifled a laugh.

2: Smoke this clown, n/n. For the honor of your family... or something!

unnamed agent: For my species... I guess.

The Octo Samurai didn't do much, because y/n was dodging and focusing on learning his attacks before he went in for the kill. Or... Splat. Except he backed away, and turned his Octo roller into... what?

Sheldon: That's... the latest in Octarian weapon technology! The Octocycle!

It charged at me, but I easily rolled to the side. This thing is comfortable to move in...

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