𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 21

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This chapter is going to chop and change POV a lot bc it's a prank war one and smth else soooo yeh

Kairis POV

Me being lazy I decided to create a group chat with everyone telling them that prank wars is starting

Prank wars✨🤪
Ale😃:is prank wars on??

Me: nahhh I just renamed our gc

Tia🧸:do we come over??
Shaun🙌:bruh obviously who need to be
Picked up??
Aliz: I'm with Alvaro and Robert we do
Meet at my place🍂
Ale😃:me and Mattia can walk...

Me:ight meet me at y/ns place ..
Read 4:53pm

"BABY" I heard yelling from upstairs. "Yeh baby" I reply "DID YOU TEXT THEM" oh shit I forgot to add y/n...oh well... "YES BB I DID THEY ON THEIR WAY" I yell..

Y/ns POV

"YES BB I DID THEY ON THEIR WAY" kairi yelled.. ok now i need to plan.. ok so and aliz finna put cling wrap on all the toilets in the house then we will go downstairs and make them like tea or smth we gonna put laxatives in their....i hear my door open amd close which snaps me out of my thoughts..great aliz is here..she popped...

Kairis POV

Ok so....me and the boys are going to act like one of us killed some and tied some up probably mattia because dude has anger issues...so after he will yell what the hell did i just do and hopefully they will hear...fake blood is a yes...i hear the front door open and close and i look up too see the boys and aliz..she walks off, probably to y/n..

Alizs POV

"Ok so long story short we are going to cling wrap all the toilets in the house and give the boys laxatives" y/n explains not so well. "Damn you evil sometimes" i giggle "i know its a gift...and might i just say you popped aliz damn..(i forgot how far long she is)" y/n says "aww thanks im like 8months now" i reply "bruh no way is it a boy or girl" "girl"i say excitedly "AND YOU WERENT GOING TO TELL ME!?!?" She whisper yells "sorry i wanted it to be a surprise but IT IZ WHAT IS IZZ" i laugh "hahahahahhahah, ok we should get started ill cling wrap the toilets you do the drinks" she laughs and says "ok bet lessgoo" i say as we go out of her room. Boys yall better be prepared.

Mattias POV

"Ok so imma make it short mattia you act like you killed us and tied us up and shit" kairi says barely explaining "why me tho" i say confused "because you have anger issues" they say in unison "fuck you guys but how we gonna act like yall dead" i say again confused "y/n has fake blood she uses for some special FX" kairi says "ok but like where tho" robert says "in the closet over there" ale and roshaun points out, kairi death stares them "what she likes to do make up on us no big deal simp" they say which causes me, alvaro and robert to laugh "fuck yall" we heard a door open and close...y/n and aliz come down "oh hey guys we finna make tea real quick you guys want" y/n asks "yesssireee" we all yell "aliz wait can you make it i need to go to the bathroom" "kk" we talk to aliz as she makes the tea...

Y/ns POV

Before i left for the bathroom i put the not so large cling wrap box in my hoodie pocket... i wrap the toilet upstairs and as i was going downstairs i see my special FX makeup out weird...but most of all i see the two packs of blood...oh ok so they wanna play like that imma give them a show... i carefully go downstairs and sneak into the other bathroom and wrap that one... i walk out and go to the kitchen i see the boys and aliz drinking their tea.. aliz is in the kitchen just on her phone and the boys are in the lounge room.. "how many drinks did you spike and whos" i whisper to aliz "hehe i spiked three alvaro, kairi and mattias" she whispers back "they finna pull a prank on us usimg fake blood probably a prank were one of them kills another or some shit" i whisper "yeh i heard them talking bout it what are we going to do" she asks "we are going to say your water broke we are going to use a water bottle and whilst no one is looking spill the water" i say still whispering "again evil" we laugh "YO MY STOMACH FEEL WEIRD AS HELL" hehe

Alejandros POV

"YO MY STOMACH FEEL WEIRD AS HELL" i hear mattia yell "BRUH SAME" kairi and alvaro yell back... tf is happening... "YALL I NEED THE BATHROOM BAD" all three yell "BRO WHERE TF AM I GOING TO GO TO SHIT" "GO NEXT DOOR NO ONES HOME THE DOOR IS UNLOCKED" kairi yells from the bathroom as alvaro runs out the door, i look over at the girls who are dying of laughter.. "what did yall do" roshaun says as me and him and robert go over to the kitchen "we put laxatives in their tea" y/n says as her and aliz calm down "thats cold bruh" i say "welp what are we gonna do" aliz shrugs "aliz you wanna eat smth....chick-fil-a" y/n asks "yeh lets dip" they get their stuff and go...
5 minutes later
The boys are back and we start getting ready for the prank..

Y/ns POV

Me and aliz are on our way back with our food aliz got a water bottle ready.. we open the door and see the boys "MATTIA WHAT DID YOU DO" i yell walking in he turns around blood is everywhere...damn that fake blood costs a lot of money kai better pay me back... "IM SORRY I GOT MAD I-I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO" mattia yells, at this point he believes us. I nudge aliz on the arm giving her the signal...she grabs the food and puts it on the island...she spills the water on her pants and legs "g-guys y water broke" she stutters "WHAT ALIZ ARE YOU OK" i say running to her "p-please help" she says...all the boys are running to her all i coukd hear is yelling...they carry her to the car... im in the car with aliz, kai and varo and aliz..the other boys are behind us in my car...aliz is acting like she having contractions as im sitting in the back seat in the car with her, robert calls "yo how is she" i hear robert say as he is on speaker "not good" kairi replys "is he on speaker"I ask "Yeh I am" "Hey guys"I hear roshaun yell "guys I have to tell you something...." "YALL GOT PRANKED" me and Aliz yell..the boys pull over immediately they come out the car angry while me and Aliz are laughing our heads off "not funny" kairi says "ITS FUNNY BECAUSE YALL ARE CARING WHICH I NEVER THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE....except you babe you a simp" I say as me and Aliz calm down "haha now what we gonna go since we already on the road" kairi says "ummmm mall" roshaun replies we all agree and head off to the mall

At the mall

Third person POV

As the the boys and girls go separate ways y/n saw someone she never thought she would see her abusive ex.....josh Richards (sorry I didn't know who else) she ignores him and try's to enjoy the day with everyone after her and Aliz are done shopping they call the boys "hey varo" Aliz says "yeh bay wassup" Alvaro replies "nothing we're done and we wanted to see if y'all wanted to eat" Aliz Questions. "Yeh sure meet at the car we'll head down to Taco Bell" "ok baby I love you" "love you too byeee"

Y/ns POV
At Taco Bell
"Yo you guys order for us me and Aliz are gonna sit down ok" "ok babe" kairi replies... me and aliz sit down and start talking when i see a figure aproach me.. "hey baby" i hear "j-josh"

A/n sooo yeh that happend
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