𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 27

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previously on Neighbors

"i like you"

"i like you too"

y/ns POV

we both lean in to each.....our lips connect, his lips are soft....but their is something wrong, their isn't a feeling, their isn't fireworks......we both pull away.... "i-i'm sorry y/n i didn't kn-" mattia said before i stopped him "tia, not to be rude but, why do you like me" i ask "i...i really don't know to be honest, now that i've kissed you their wasn't any feeling, no love, and i think i like someone else" he said scratching the back of his head "tia, i didn't feel anything as well, with k-kairi i felt something, love, and it's ok i kinda see how you look at avani" i say wiggling my eyebrows "yeh yeh whatever..... ok two things. 1. we stay best friends and 2 what are we going to do about the kairi situation" he says "well obviously we stay best friends and i think i can help out with the kairi situation, i'll text him" i say "now" he says "dude fuck off it's 3am i'm going to sleep ok goodnight rat fuck" (their are two beds) i say while climbing over to my bed "goodnight headass" he says laying down on his bed.

kairis POV

"audrey do you want anything from the store" i say, it's 3am and i'm going to the store because i want ice cream. "oh ice cream" "what kind aud" i ask "anything" she says shrugging "ok" i say..

i go to the store get the stuff and come back home....and by home i mean audrey's house, i'm staying the night..

at her house
"hey audrey i'm back" i say putting my keys on the counter and giving her ice cream to her, whilst i put mine on the coffee table, "babe" she says angrily, oh no. "y-yeh" i say stuttering "what's this" she says "rocky road" i say shrugging "YEH NO SHIT" she says throwing the ice cream on the floor "babe calm down" i say softly "KAIRI SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DONT KNOW NOTHING, IM YOUR FUCKING GIRLFRIEND AND YOU DONT KNOW MY FAVOURITE ICE CREAM" she yells "b-b-babe i'm sorry" i say scared "KAIRI OH MY FUCKING GOD YOUR SO STUPID HONESTLY I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT" she yells, then she punched me in the face, she has rings on, she then scratches me, on my arms, she has acrylics on too. "IM GOING TO SLEEP, YOU CAN SLEEP ON THE COUCH" she says going too her room, and so i did.......

i miss my friends......i miss y/n.........

i then fall asleep....

mattias POV

i wake up and notice y/n still sleeping so like the good friend i am, i dump cold water on her......and me being a idiot i forgot she's psycho in the morning and not a morning person "MATTIA POLIBIO YOU BETTER RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" and so i did, she is chasing after me around the hotel room....with a fucking shoe bruh.... "AHHHHH Y/N IM SORRY" i yell "NO YOUR A DEAD MAN" she yells back. I run out of the room luckily roshauns, alejandro's and roberts door was unlocked i then run in their and lock the door. "dude what the fuck" robert says from the kitchen "sorry bruh" i say walking to the kitchen "what happened" roshaun questions "well boys let's just says, i dumped cold water on y/n and she's going to kill me" they all burst out laughing "bro your fucked" ale says calming down, he then proceeds to unlock the door.....y/n bursts in....i hide in the bathroom "MATTIA POLIBIO GET UR ASS OUT OF THEIR IM NOT MAD, ALIZ GAVE ME COFFEE SO IM ALL GOODS" she says......sadly i believe her so i unlock the door and as soon as i open it y/n runs in and smacks me multiple times with a shoe.... "bitchass you should know never mess with me in the morning" she says backing up and walking away into the kitchen "whatever" is all i say then i roll my eyes.

third person POV

the 7 teens sit down in roshauns, alejandro's and roberts apartment and discuss what they are going to do today....but y/n remains silent..... "guys i feel like we are missing so-" before alvaro could finish that sentence y/n interrupts him by saying "kairi, we are missing kairi", surprising everyone nods, "y/n you said you would call him so do it" mattia says "should i" she questions "listen if you want him go for it, if you love him still go for it, but be friends with him first" aliz says smiling "damn aliz watch are you trying to do babe make us cry" alvaro says wiping away his fake tear, everyone chuckles and giggles "i love him still, but yeh we should take things slow"           y/n says agreeing with aliz "BUUUUTTT the one thing we have to worry about is, boys do we forgive him" roshaun says extending the but "i do but it's our last chance" alejandro says "i do as well, but he has too be careful" robert says and everyone agrees with him. "ok well how about we all gather here tonight after dinner and i call him and put him on speaker" y/n asks the room then fills with "oks" and "ights".....

their day then consists of swimming, jet skiing,surfboarding and eating...

meanwhile kairis day consists of trying to make his so called 'girlfriend' happy by cooking and cleaning but she still hits him and abuses him mentally and emotionally......but one thing keeps him going.....the thought of his friends and him and also y/n....

y/ns POV

we all head back too roshauns, alejandro's and roberts room, i'm mentally preparing for the call with kairi..... we all arrive at their apartment and sit down in the lounge room... "y/n you ready" aliz asks "yeh i'm ready, boys, aliz you guys ready" i asks they all either say "yeh" or nod....

i pull out my phone.....

now calling babe🥺❤️

kairis POV

i'm at my house...finally... "kairi you ok, your eye is bruised" my mom asks sympathetically "yeh mom im fine i just...fell" i lie "oh ok honey be careful, oh and your dad is at work..nightshift" she says folding a piece of clothing "ok mom, i love you so much" i say kissing her forehead (if y'all don't do this then go do it you asshole) she smiles at me and i smile back, as i'm walking up to my room i see maiya "yeh i know she's so anno- OMG KAIRI" she says mid sentence, she runs up to me out of her room and hugs me leaving her friend on facetime in her room still "hey maiya" i hug her back, she let's go "i missed you kairi" she says looking at me "me too maiya" i smile "what happened to your eye" she says sad "i tripped" i lie "kairi stop lying" she says...fuck man maiya knows me all too well "fine...audrey hit me again" i say looking at the floor "omggg just break up with her already" she says "maiya she said she will bash up y/n" i say looking at her "y/n...seriously her, you do realise she's a bada-" "watch your mouth" i say "sorry, yeh anyways she's bad, she can handle herself" she says, damn she's right "yeh true, anyways i'm tired i wanna sleep, goodnight sis" i say in a girly voice, "goodnight" she laughs and walks into her room, i walk into mine, have a shower, get dressed and check social media, as soon as i put my phone down to sleep, i get 2 phone calls

incoming call from audrey 💀

incoming call from baby😫❤️(y/n)

i pick up......

y/ns phone call

"hello" i say
"hey kairi, it's me, we should talk" she says

A/N: ok next chapter is the phone call, so yeh...

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