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Previously on neighbours//kairi

we kissed and it lead onto something more..

y/ns POV

i wake up and see kairi laying next to me, he looks so peaceful (ummm chile with that creepiness)woah me and kairi.....the love of my life......my soulmate......my neighbour......i just smile at those thoughts i turn over to my phone and checked my socials. until the boys except aliz come in (don't ask but they dressed) ugh why tf do they always come in for "oh wtf-" mattia says until i cut him off  "cut the bullshit, y'all here to jump on him" i say putting my phone down, "yeh we are, how did you know" alvaro asks "bruh yall done it before (remember omg)" i say rolling my eyes and getting out of bed, well trying ugh here we go i feel kairis arm go around me... "nooo babes stay" kairi says in his raspy voice, ok not gonna lie that was absolutely adorable but yeh no i have no stick to the plan "babe i have to go to the bathroom" i say, he lets go and i get up and the boys look at each other

"1, 2, 3!!!!!!" they all jump on him

they get off him laughing and he just sits up with an angry look on his face which makes me laugh but as i'm laughing, i feel something come up my throat oh no-

i run to my bathroom and throw up, someone comes in and holds my hair up, "let it out babe, it's ok" kairi says patting my back lightly, i stop and get up and kairis asks me "you ok babe" "no i feel weird babe" i say reaching for my toothbrush and brushing my teeth, we come out and the boys are sitting their looking worried "y/n, you good" roshaun asks "yeh i am why" i say confused "cause no mean to be rude but-" before robert could finish alejandro cut him off my saying "omg how long has it been since you done it" i look at kairi and he looks at me, we both turn red asf.....
"ok so last night" mattia says "yeh" i say shyly "well did y'all use protection" alvaro asks "i- fuck, i'm sorry baby" kairi says giving me a hug.....

what happens if i am pregnant.....how will my fans react......how will they react when they see me at play-

my thoughts cut off by kairi letting me go, "it's ok maybe it's just a bug or something" i say faking a smile "yeh ok whatever, but look on the bright side playlist is in two months and we are dropping out today" robert says "oh yeh i forgot about that" i say "well how bout pancakes or maybe waffles" i ask going to my bedroom door "PANCAKES" they all yell pushing me out of the way running down the stairs leaving me standing at my door confused asf, i walk downstairs and see them all sitting their waiting "KIDS IM DATING AND BEST FRIENDS WITH FUCKING KIDS" i say making the pancakes, i finish up and start cleaning the dishes when i hear the door slam open i didn't even have to turn around "HEY ALIZ" i yell "wtf how- hey babes" she says from the lounge room "is jacob here" i question still doing the dishes "nah he's at alvaro's parents for the day" she says walking over to me and helping me while those lazy ass mfs are still in the lounge room on their phones "awwww, ill miss him" i say drying the sink (idfk don't ask its something i do after i do the dishes) "me too bb, so when we going to the school" she asks as we walk to the lounge room "ummm idk i'll ask the boys, BOYS, PUTOS, PENDEJOS" i yell "wtf, GUYS, PUTOS, yo wtf" aliz says and yells

kairis POV

the girls are in the kitchen doing the dishes talking and me and the boys feel bad and we bored asf "guys is it me or do y'all feel bad cause they do all the chores and shit around here" i say putting my phone in my pocket causing all the boys to do the same, the room then fills with "i do" and "yeh same bruh" "so we all feel the same i have a plan" i say "damn what's with you and plans man" alvaro says "stfu bruh anyways, we are going to ignore them and go to the school without them and also clean the house" i say "so how the fuck are we going to ignore them and go to the school and clean the house as well" mattia asks confused "well when we are gonna go to the school i'll get up and yall will follow obviously me and when we clean if they try to take stuff off us just gently move them away and continue" i explain "oh ok" is all they say, i then hear the girls come and i pull out my phone and i guess the boys either saw me or heard the girls coming cause they did the same thing.....

5 minutes later cause i'm lazy
the girls have been trying to get our attention for about five minutes but we haven't budged.......except mattia fucking softie bitchass

dino boy🦖

me: you staying with the

yeh ok fine

me: don't snitch

stfu and go
ik not to snitch
read 2:57pm

i get up and the boys follow me, we leave to go to the school...

mattias POV

"why are the boys ignoring us tia" y/n asks "i don't know y/n but it's ok, let's watch a movie" i say grabbing the remote "nah we should clean the house" aliz says looking around at the floor "no no, you really finna clean today they boys will probably dirty it anyways" i say convincingly "yeh true, so y/n i heard you threw up this morning....pregnant" aliz says "maybe i don't know, if it keeps happening i'll grab a pregnancy test next week, and i'm not getting my period anytime soon i finished it 2 days ago" she says

30 minutes later cause it's like 3am and i want sleep

"not gonna lie but like jordan baker is hot asf" y/n says "nah spence is stfu" aliz argues, "*inna girly voice* omg no JJ is hot" i say, making all the girls laugh, (if y'all don't know what i'm talking bout it's all american highly recommended) the rest of the boys then come in and set all the stuff down and yell "DROPPED OUT BOYYYYY" which makes everyone laugh, then they start cleaning...

y/ns POV

THE BOYS ARE CLEANING WTF, i look at aliz shocked she has the same facial expression, "yo this is weird" i say "yeh it is, but i could get used to this" we giggle and continue watching....

finally they done after bout 45 minutes, they all just lay down on the floor and couch, roshaun,kairi,alvaro on the couch and mattia, ale and robert on the floor, kairi is obviously next to me "hey bubs"he says looking at me "hey babe, i thought you was ignoring me" i say laying my head on his shoulder "never babe, i just wanted to do something for you cause you do anything and i felt bad" kairi says kissing my head "awwww baby" i kiss his cheek "and i need to get used to it cause imma be a dad soon and i have to clean the house while you is busy" he says "babe really, i'm not pregnant......i think" i say touching my stomach, his hand goes on top of mine "well we'll see, are you going to take a test" he asks "yeh in a week if the morning sickness keeps happening"i say "ok well, lets just hope okay baby" he says pulling me closer "yeh sure...."

a week later

i have been having morning sickness like crazy, me and kairi are now waiting for my pregnancy test results to show up....

"kairi i'm scared" i say holding his hand "me too babe, but whatever happens we'll go through it together, i think we should check it" he says.

"ok" i grab it and i close my eyes he did too, "one,two three" we open out eyes.....

"babe it's p-positive"

A/n damn ok then, boy or girl for later...

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i love y'all pls stay safe

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