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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar english isn't my first language.


Jimin POV
15 years later
"Min-yo! Hurry your gonna be late!" I was prepare his lunch box when I heard heavy foots steps
"Moooom! Why you didn't wake me up early"
"I did young man, but you keep saying 5 minutes"
"Ahhh I'll gonna be late" I chuckled seeing him wearing his shoes hurriedly.

"It's not my fault, now go, here's your lunch" He immediately grab his lunchbox and kissed my cheeks
"Bye mom, don't go out without uncle Jungkook" I smiled and nodded
He went inside the car and take a seat at the back seat
"Drive safe Daniel" he nodded and drive away.

As I walk inside the doorbell rang, I open the door and usual I saw an bouquet of flowers, every day I received this flowers and I don't know who always sending this for me.

I smiled as I sniffed the roses, I looked around hoping if the sender was still here, I deeply sighed and walked inside.

The day when me and Min-yo leave Yoongi we didn't see him or know if he's alright, Jungkook and Taehyung help us to have this house.
They help us to adjusted and live without Yoongi.

But there's a thing I'm so confused, every month me and Min-yo receive a money, I even asked Jungkook and Taehyung if the money are from them, but they both refused.

The money is too much that I can take Min-yo in private school, buy what he wants and what he needs and Daniel- I don't know but he offered himself to be our driver and body guard without even paying him.

Min-yo's birthday is coming this week and I'm planning to bring him at the beach which he always suggest. I even asked Jungkook Taehyung to come along and of course Daniel.

"Jiminieeee" I looked back as I heard Taehyung voice and smiled at him
"Tae what's bring you here?" I asked as I went closer to him
"I was just planning to go out with you, you know best friend thing" He said as he wrapped his hands on my arms.

"Tae did you even asked Jungkook to allowed to come here?" He pouted
"Of course Jiminie, but he said we have to be at home when Min-yo and Taegguk come home from school"

"Okay but can we wait for Daniel first, you know Min-yo didn't want me to go out without him." I asked, he playfully rolled his eyes
"As if I can stop you, now go and change yourself."


"Tae wait me here, I have to use restroom, I'll be right back"
He nodded as he shoved his fries on his mouth.

I walk towards the exit and head towards the restroom.

"Ouch, you bitch, do you have eyes!" She shouted after SHE bumped me causing her drink spilled over me and her dress.

"Excuse me? Your the one who's not looking" She rolled her eyes and slowly went closer to me.

"Look, I don't have time for you better say sorry or you'll regret it" she whispered
"Don't scare me woman, I don't have time for your rants too and it's not even my fault"

"Bitch" she raised her hands and ready to land on my cheeks when a man grabbed her wrist.
"Irene, causing a scene again?"
A not that tall man with black hair looking at her.

"He's a bitch" I frowned and rolled my eyes, but then the man looked at me, staring at me, with his cold eyes.
"Let's go" he dragged the girl away, I sighed.


After using the restroom I looked for Taehyung.
"I told to wait me here" I dialled his number with three rings he answered.

"Yah where are you?" I asked as I looked around
"In Jungkook's heart, kidding I just buy banana milk we forgot that, just wait me there"
"Just be qui-"

My eyes widen when I saw him. He's here.


This is just a teaser, please wait and be patient, as I say I will finish my omega verse ff first after continue this. Thank you for understanding, stay safe and healthy fellas love lots.😘💜

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