Dropping the game, Explaining the Magic

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Chapter Four : Dropping the game, explaining the magic.

    I went to the lax practice just like Scott and Stiles asked me too. I even got the girls to come with me but they were more focused on catch up work to understand what was happening in the semester.

    That's when I noticed Derek standing watching the practice. Right about then was when Scott and Jackson bodychecked each other and I remembered that Scott was about to wolf out.
    "Guys, I'll be right back."

    I started to follow Stiles and Scott to the boys locker room.
    "Scott, You have to take a breath." I tried. Stiles was bent over his best friend.

    "Scott, can you hear me, You're okay. Your going to be fine. Just look at me."

    "Stiles, We need to get him in cold water."

    "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Scott warned before me and Stiles both moved back. The wolf took over Scott started to jump on top of lockers trying to get to me and Stiles. His body was working against his mind. Stiles and I just kept moving around trying to confuse him.

    Stiles ran into the fire-extinguisher. I tried to concentrate over the noise of Scott growling but I moved the air around him so he was pushed to the ground where Stiles sprayed him with the white foam. Stiles was focused out of the locker room. I pussed myself against the cold tiles of the shower area. Scott fumbled and then sat on one of the benches, taking off his helmet.

    "Stiles, Cait? What happened?" Stiles dropped the fire safety tool taking off his gloves. I started to pant.

    "You tried to kill us." Stiles threw his meaning glove at Scott.
    "Scott, It's the anger. Control is about your pulse rate. If you can stop your pulse from rising you will be fine." Scott turned his head to look at me.

    "How do you know that?"

    "Well I may not be a werewolf but I am a witch of sorts." I open the palm of my hand letting a flam dance around on my skin. Stiles looked at me wide eyed. Scott just gave me a small smile.

    "Well, how do I control my pulse rate? It's lacrosse, it's a pretty violent game if you haven't noticed." Stiles looked at me then back at his best friend.

    "Well it's going to be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field. You can't play Saturday, you have to find a way out of the game."

    "I'm first line."

    "Not anymore."

    My phone started to ring, shaking the whole bench me and Scott were sitting on. I looked at the caller ID. Evlynn Homles. "I should go, my sister is calling me, but if anything happens, call me."

    "Caity Wait?"

    "Yeah Stiles?"

    "Can all four of you play with fire like that?"

    "No just me." Say it, youn't don't really look alike. "I'm adopted." With that I spun out of the locker room.

    Lottie instuded me to Lydia, as if I didn't know the strawberry blonde. And the Five of us pulse Allison went out for ice cream, this local coffee place sells the stuff. It was just a fun little girls day. Lydia was all, 'any boy catch your eye?' and Lottie was all 'there's this one lacrosse player.' and then Lydia was all, 'Well Cait has been talking to this one guy something with an S' and the day went on like that.

    The next day in math Lydia and Scott were called to the board to solve two problems. All I could hear with my human ears was, "And Scott McCall can stay home and surf the internet for porn." Then Lydia walked back to her seat.

    "Mr.McCall you're not even close to solving you problem."

    "Tell me about it?" I rolled my eyes.

    When we got out of class Stiles jumped us. I was ready to flood the school if need be.

    "Scott tell me what they are saying." Stiles pointed to a group of cops down the hall. Scott looked over at me, I nodded giving him a smile he turned his head to the side trying to get closer to the sounds. "Can you hear them?"

    I hit Stiles shoulder, "Shh, let him focus."

    Scott turned back to us, "Curfew because the body."

    "Wait really?"

    "Unbelievable. My Dad is out looking for a rabies animal, when the person who really killed the girl, is just hanging out doing what he wants." Stiles sighed and ran his hand over his buzz cut.

     I roll my eyes at the boy, "We can't just tell your Dad the truth."

    "Yeah Cait's right, we can't tell anyone."

    "We can do something."
    "Like what Stiles?"

    "The three of us are going to find the other half of the body." With that Stiles walks away.

    Me and Scott look at eachother, "You're not serious!?" "Are You kidding?" We spoke at the same time but our friend was already out of sight.

    I look over at Allison and Lydia who stood not 50 feet away. Lydia was introducing some guy on the team his stick was coming out the back of his bag. They were just making small talk but I knew better it was Lydia's way to get under Scott's skin. Make him play even though he dosen't want to. It was Lydia's way of unknowingly cause a werewolf to shift.

    Me and Scott walked up to the group, as soon as we did Lydia looked at me. "Oh, Caitlin Tell Lottie, she's going to the game with me." With that she walked away along with the lax player she had Allison talking to.

    "Will do." I mumbled, Looking at Scott and Allison I spoke, "I'm going to go find Stiles. Catch you later." They both gave me a quick smile as I spun on my heels looking for either one of my sisters or my only other friend.

The school day went on, me and Chloe ate lunch together after school rather than head to practice, well seconded lunch. I got a text from Stiles. Meet me at Scott's place, 244 home Dr. "Hey Chloe I have to go but I'll see you at home."

"Yeah sure. I'll tell Mom that.."

"Meeting friends for the night I'll be home by 10."

"Okay." I texted back. Omw, don't do anything dumb.

When we got to Scott's house Stiles just let himself in the door, I just followed him as he rushed upstairs, whispering something about the second door to the right. Stiles barged in a room on the second fool, Scott was sitting on his bed.

"What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it? And yes I had a lot of adderall, so.."

"STILES!" I steamed. "What the hell is he talking about Scott?"

"I found, something at the Hale house."

"What was it." Stiles was still breathing heavily from talking too fast.
    "There was something buried there. I mean I could smell blood."
    "THATS AWESOME!" Stiles screeched.

"NO! You overgrown child it isn't that could mean anything. It could if we go on his land he could kill us too!" I tried to reason.

Stiles gave me a death glare, "Whose blood."

"That's the thing I don't know." Oh here we go

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