There is a Reason Blockbuster is Closed On My Earth

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Chapter Twelve : There Is A Reason Blockbuster Is Closed On My Earth

"So Jackson and Lydia got attacked at a Blockbuster last night." Lottie started on our drive to school.

"What happened!?" I asked fearful it was supernatural.

"I don't know. They went to rent a movie and next thing you know Lydia is scared to move and Jackson is stuck under three bays of movie cases."

"Wow Lottie how do you even know that?" Chole asked placing her head between the two front seats so she was talking to Lottie and I seeing as her twin has headphones in.

"I was on the phone with Lydia when it happened." Also today is Allsion's birthday."

"Let me guess Lydia?" I told my sister.

"Yep." The rest of the car ride was complaining about school in general. This world was great. I had my squad at all times, and the hot version of Batman and robin. Which I guess makes me Batgirl. Maybe I wasn't trying to see if they remembered anything yet because I didn't want to go home just yet. I kept telling myself I should check on them to see if the wall is coming down but I never do. Maybe I found out why.

In chem today, Mr. Harris reminded all of us of parent teacher night. Which the four of us Homles only need to attend to see how we were fitting in at the new school. Because even when trying to fight the supernatural I still will scold myself if I get below a B on a paper.

Stiles asked Danny about Lydia, and Jackson's acident and was still hung up on the gay guys thing, asking id Danny found him hot. Then immediately falling out of his chair. This kid was going to be the end of me. But in his defense Danny never said he didn't find Stiles attractive. (despite the buzz cut.) If i'm right Scott and Allison ditched school for her birthday, which was cute as hell but, still a really bad idea.

"Caity!" I heard Stiles from behind me.

I spun on my heels, "Stiles. Hey whats up?"

"Have you seen Scott?'

"Uhh No sorry." Me and Him were now walking down the hall.

"Oka do you know what is going on?"

"Be a little more specific."

"Lydia is M.I.A and Jackson looks like he has a time bomb inserted into his face. Oh yeah and another random guy is dead."

"Well to be fair, Jackass always looks like he has a time bomb in his face and as for Lydia and the dead guy, Lottie said there was an attack last night Lydia and Jackson were there and my sister was on the phone with Lydia.. So could be fear."

"You think so."

"Or the Alpha."

"Or both." The bell rang interrupting our conversation and it was off to the next class.

On the drive home all four of us were jumpy. "Hey Lottie you know what, why don't we go out, see the mall for the first time." I say trying to get rid of the nerves for tonight.

"Okay yeah That sounds nice." Lottie takes the left into town instead of our neighborhood.

We went to every store twice, I swear. It was the first normal day in a while. That was until Stiles started to spam me.

"Guys just give me a seck." I started reading the spam.

Stiles Stilinski


Answer your phone.

Pick up the damn phone.


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