He followed us

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Chapter Nineteen : he followed us

I felt the wind get knocked out of me and I was pushed into the School's entrance. The double doors hitting my back as I fell to my ass. Derek was crawling on the ground next to me. My vision blurred as I doubled over from getting kicked in the gut, keeping me on the ground. My hair fell out of it's ponytail, falling into my face as I struggled to stand back up.

"Caity!" I hear Stiles call my name in the distance.

I cough up blood, "Stiles get out of here!"

Just then Peter comes through the double doors. Once again he kicks me back. "Bring me to Scott." He says just like he did outside.

"I told you I don't know where he is. All I know is he is here somewhere." I breath out a few more drops of blood leaving my mouth.

"Oh my god. He's the. Oh I'm gonna die." I hears Stiles say has my head spins from the third blow to my gut.

"You're not gonna die Stiles." I hear Derek say.

"Why not?" Stiles ask fear and confusion coming out.

"Because We are gonna give him what he wants."

I move the hair out of my face, my vision clearing slightly. "What?"

"Now that's the spirit. That's why you were always my favorite nephew. Now Stiles was it? Tell me where Scott McCall is."

"Wha- No."

"Stiles do It he won't hurt his own beta." Derek says, already healing from his broken leg.

"The boys Locker room" Stiles says head hung low.

Stiles helps me walk to the locker room, as Peter disconnects the lights. I lean against the tile wall for support. Derek and Stiles standing next to me. Derek rolls a lacrosse ball down the shower walkway.

Scott rounds the corner only in a towel. His face goes red at seeing me in the locker room. "Thank god where the hell have you guys been?" He asked. All I do is mouth 'I'm Sorry'

"I really don't get lacrosse."

"It's you." I hear Scott say in a whisper. My stomach still hurt the wall being the only thing holding me up.

"When I was in highschool we played basketball. There's a real sport. Still I rad somewhere that lacrosse comes from native american tribes an that they played iit to resolve conflict. Do I have that right?" Peter finishes his opening monologue. Scott looked back at me Derek and Stiles in disbelief that we would bring him here. "I have a little conflict of my own to resolve, Scott. But I need your help to do it."

"I'm not helping you kill people." Ay one point for Scott. Maybe.

"Well I don't want to kill all of them." How could I forget Kate Argent set the Hale fire. "Just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include.." He stops.

"Allison." Derek says, mind set on killing his ex.

Scott turns to look at Derek Stiles and myself, "You're on his side?" Derek nodded slightly, "Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister? What do you two think?"

"Me?" I say more than ask, "I think I'm not helping anyone who tried to kill me.. Twice."

"I seconded that." Stiles adds.

Derek ignored me and Stiles' remarks and answered the first question Scott asked, "It was a mistake."

"WHAT?" appropriate reaction.

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