Car Chase and Symbolism

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Chapter Eighteen : Car Chase and Symbolism

"Scott can you drive any faster!" I say from the back seat. I'm still not sure how we got into this mess, but here we were. Getting chased by Kate Argent.

"Cait is there anyway you can slow her down?" Stiles asks turning to face me from the front seat.

"I can try!" I tried reaching out trying to find anything to slow the car behind us down.

"Scott I don't think you are grasping the concept of a car chase!" Stiles yells breaking my concentration.

"If I go any faster I'll kills us!"
"If you don't they'll kill us. So pedal to the metal McCall!" I yell back. Scott makes a hard turn to the left cutting Kate's car off from following us. "They're gone." I say exhaling breath.

Stiles plays the radio signal from the sheriff station. All Units, suspect is on foot. Heading into iron works. Damn It. We speed into the iron works filitly. I open the back door to Derek's car. "GET IN!" I yell moving the arrow that Chris Argent just shot so it fell out of the air. Derek climbed into the back of the car with me and Scott speeds off.

"WHAT PART OF STAYING LOW DON"T YOU UNDERSTAND!" Scott yells from the front seat.

"DAMN IT! I had him!"

"Who the Alpha?" Stiles and I ask at the same time.

"YES! He was right in front of me, and then the frggin' police showed up."

"They were just doing their job dick-wad." I retaliate.

"Yeah thanks to you three who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire damn State."

"Can we get past that!" Scott says.

"Yeah we made a dumbass mistake!" Stiles adds in.

"DOESN'T MATTER! Who the hell did you even find him?" I ask.

"Can you trust us for like half a second." Scott places into the conversation.

"Look the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. First was a guy named Harris."

"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles makes a face of pure discussed at the mention of Mr. Harris.

"Why him?" Scott asks.

"I don't know yet."

"And the second thing is?" I ask from the back of the car.

"Some kind of symbol." Derek unfolds a piece of paper. It was a crest of some sort. A horse looking cat was in the center of it, and what looked like a firework was in the top corner.

"I've seen that before." I say before I can stop myself.


"Allison Argent has a necklace with that symbol on it." The night got less crazy from there.

The next day at school was just plotting to get the necklace from Allison. That plan get Scott and her close. Then just ask for it.

"HOW THE HEEL WOULD HE KNOW!" I yell more than ask Scott and me him and Stiles plow down the halls of the school.

"I have no idea!"

"Did he say it outloud? The word?" Stiles inquired. Let's be real integers.

"What word?" Scott asked still frantic.

"Werewolf. Did he say werewolf?" Stiles whispers this time. "Did he say 'I know you are a werewolf.'?"

Scott shook his head, "No but he implied it pretty fricking clearly."

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