sleep. You Lose Fear.

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Chapter 12 : Sleep

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Chapter 12 : Sleep. You lose fear.

I pushed open the doors to the hospital, still bloodied and scared. My mind was racing unsure what I was registering. Everything around me was a blur, nothing made sense. All three of them just fell to the ground, then blacked out.

"CAITLIN!" I felt someone grab my shoulders. "Caitlin, calm down." This time I could tell it was Melissa McCall.

"Wh-Where are they?" I asked my voice frantic, tears of anger boiling up in my eyes.

"Right this way." Melissa, Looked into my eyes dropping her hands, "They're gonna be okay."


My breath got stuck in my throat as I walked into the room where Lottie Chloe and Evlynn laid on separate hospital beds. This was my fault. If all that time ago, I had just said no, none of this would have happened. They would have been safe.

I felt someone grab my hand from behind, giving it a small squeeze. A few tears fell down my face with a burning pain. I still don't know whose hand I was holding but I started to drag them over to where Lottie was.

I let my body shake. "It's my fault." I whispered out as the tears started to flow.

"How is it your fault Cait?" That's when I realized it was Scott who was with me.

"If I had just- just said no. We would have never come here. They-they wouldn't have gotten hurt."

Scott sighed, "Cait. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I'm really glad you gave in. I'm really glad you're here."

"Doppelganger. What is the Doppelganger?" Lottie started to mutter, her body rolling from side to side. "Richie. That little runt."

"Cait who is she talking about?" Scott asked, tilting his head to the side so he could hear her better.

"Richie is the ten year old boy that lives next door to her back on earth 33."

"Wait, Cait." Scott paused, turning to face me, "What if they're remembering life before Beacon Hills."

"Maybe." I said meekly, "Or maybe I'm just a terrible person, who put the people she cared about most at risk." I felt Scott turn me towards him before his lips hit mine. The fear in my body melted away as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It felt like he was bringing me back to earth. Slowly I pulled away so I could breath. I huff out a breath, "What was that for?"

Scott rested his forehead one mine, "To remind you that none of this is your fault."

There was a knock on the doorframe that pulled the two of us apart. Stiles stood in the door, his face glim. His eyes were puffy and red, and his skin more pale than normal. "How-How are they?"

"I don't know." I spoke with all honesty, the small steady beeps of all three heart monitors filling the air. "I really don't know."

"I don't mean to make things worse, but when we were at the lake house, Lydia was on the phone. She heard something. Something that was running through the deadpool, she asked me why it kept saying that 'Caitlin is the doppleganger?'"

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