Going berserk

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Chapter 15 : Going berserk

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Chapter 15 : Going berserk

I woke with my hands tied behind my back, and blood in my mouth. The first thing I felt was a shape object poking my side. When my vision started to come I noticed the pointed end of a berserker bone, scrapping over the cut on my side left by Argent.

I struggled to lift my head, just barely making out Scott tied to a table. I couldn't even tell where we were, but my body wanted to freeze at the sound of footsteps.

"Tell me, Scott." At the sound of Kate Argent's voice I started to fight the thing tying my hands back, but it was metal of some sort. I was too far from Scott to really see anything other than shapes, but I knew nothing good was about to happen. "They ever teach you the myth of Artemis and Actaeon in school?" There was no answer. "No? I didn't think so."

I tried to fight, but my side was still bloody and the cut Kate gave me was deep. Not only that but it was covered in ash and a bone was sticking into it. Every once and a while I let out a pained moaned, my body not wanting to move.

Kate made a noise like a hiss before continuing one. "Well, Artemis was a goddess. And Actaeon was a hunter that happened to see Artemis bathing naked one day." What was it with psychos and antical cultures? I mean first Peter's weird knowledge of lacrosse and now this. The Argent's are FRENCH, not greek. "This did not make the goddess too happy. In fact, she was so angry, Artemis turned Actaeon into a deer."

"The silver deer." I heard myself whisper, like I was having on out of mind experience.

"And this sent his own hounds into a frenzy. He was actually torn apart by his own hunting dogs."

When I heard the growls of the berserker's I knew what the Argent was planning. "No. Kate! You can't do this!" I started to scream the metal on my wrist starting to burn. "KATE! Don't do this!"

"Shut her up!" Kate Argent screamed at the berserkers. I felt the bone dig further into my cut and watch Scott struggle with his holds. I could see the bone skule from here as the pain in my side grew. I knew this woman was crazy but this.. This was berserk.

She stood over Scott, placing the skule on his squirming body. I turned away not wanting to both hear and see Scott as he screamed. When his words stopped, I stopped fighting. I could do this alone. And if Kate kept me this close to her, she wanted something. Badly.


Kate used to claw to cut a thin line right under my eye, just above the bone. The second most painful place in the body. At least from a torcher stand point. I couldn't talk. I could hardly breath. So even if I wanted to say anything to the wack job, I couldn't. Something in me was saying if I spoke they would be my last words.

"See I would have made Scott kill you. Really." Kate sighed, "To be honest that was the first plan. But then I heard. Little Caitlin, the girl who never knew what to do, could see the future. Not only that, but she outsmarted a pack of Alphas. Stopped a nogitsune. And now, ended this awful deadpool. I just want to know how." she gave me fake sad eyes, "Then well then I'll use you as a weapon. Just. Like. Scott."

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