New Information

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Chapter Six : New information

Lottie helps Scott and I off the floor. All of us head to the clinic in a silent and eerie car ride. Lottie hit's a bump in the road making me groan. "Are you okay? Are you alright?" She asked, knuckles whitening on the steering wheel.

"Lottie I'll be fine, it's just a dislocation. Speaking of, Scott when we get to the clinic do you think you could pop it back in?"

"What makes you sure I can do that?"

"Your mother is a nurse."

"I'll try."

Lottie pulls into the parking lot and all three of us get out of the car. It feels like I was hit with a bag full of bricks. I'll be covered in bruises tomorrow at the very least. The three of us walk in. I place my right hand on top of the counter. "You ready?" Scott asked placing his hands on either side of my left shoulder.

"As I'll every be." I bit my lip a muffled scream still coming out as Scott moves my shoulder back into place.

Lottie lifts the side of his shirt. "Scott why aren't you healing?" She asked snooping to find some kind of gauze or bandage for the cut Derek gave me.

"Because It's from an Alpha." Deton says coming out of the back room. I start to roll my shoulder a few times to make it feel more natural. All three of us look into the room he left to see a man covered in claw marks. And clearly dead. My breath hitches and well as Scott's and Lottie's. "I think we better have that talk now." I lean back against the counter now ready for what might get spilled in this conversation. Deton starts to treat Scott's and mine wounds.

"Argent is on his way back so we don't have much time to talk."

Deaton spills a liquid onto a cotton ball, "What's that?" Lottie asks, leaning over the counter, placing her head in her hands.

"Rubbing alcohol. You don't want your sister to get infected do you." I wincs when he presses the cotton onto my cuts. The stinging almost felt like it resonated through my whole body. "Scott you will heal the same. Just not as fast because of Derek."

"How do you know all this?" Scott asked his boss as he moves to place a bit of cotton on his cut as well. "How do you know anything?"

"It's a long story. What I can tell you is that I know about your kind. And Caitlin's. Your kinds, I can help. bUt this." He turns to face the person on the table. "This, this is something different."

"Could it be, what did you call it Cait?"

"A kanima."

"Possibly. But the Argents will know for sure. And this is the crucial part, They'll have some kind of record or book. It will have descriptions, histories, notations of all the things they have discover."

"What things?" Scott asked.

"Like a lore book?" Lotties asked from behind me.

"All the thing? How many are there?" Even I, someone who can know a lot about world 40, have no clue how many creators are in the bestiary.

A scraping sound comes from outside. "Hide, All of you." Deton tells us. The three of us split up around the room, jumping into small nooks and crannies.

"I'm starting to think I need to buy a more prominent closed sign." Detones voice says.

"Hello Alan." Gerard. "It's been a while. Last I heard you had retired."

"Last I heard you followed a code of conduct." It took everything in my not to laugh.

"If you haven't noticed this body is one of ours." Chris Argent. The only male in the family you can trust.

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