Morphine and Funerals

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Chapter one : Morphine

I woke to the scratchy material of a hospital gown. The room around me slowly started to form. The soft blue and pink walls, the white molding. I shifted my head to see an IV set up and a heart monitor next to it. I lifted the blanket to see stitches on the cut from the broken glass.

"Cait you're awake." I shift to see Lottie on the chair in the corner.

"Yeah, how long has it been since Peter's death?"

"Two day. But this isn't the first time you woke up. It is however the first time you talked."

"All right, chew me out. You think I'm a monster and that after this conversation you will never talk to me again. And that I'm crazy and never should have been related to you. And that you're so glad that we're not related by blood."

"I wasn't going to say any of that."

"You weren't?"

"Of course not. Nothing's changed. I still love you. And I'm still your sister."

"Do you mean that?"

"YES! Do you know how cool it is it have you as my sister? I mean you-" She lowers her voice coming closer to me, "You set a murder on fire. From your hand."

"Thanks. Any questions?"

"No, Scott and Stiles filled me and Allison in once the EMC came."

There was a knock on the door and Mrs. McCall came in the room, "Ahh Cait. It's good to see you're awake. I'm just going to give you some morphine." She walks over placing a sing at my IV and ingenting me with the clear liquid. "You should be fine. Just know you might get really silly."

"Thanks Mrs. McCall." I smile as she leaves the room. "So what have you been up to Miss Charlotte?"

"No much just hanging in there. I started a journal about our crazy encounters."

"Really, this shouldn't become a thing for you." I laugh at the end. "Sorry it's just your hair's really pretty. But I mean it. Go back to being popular."

"But I don't want to. I don't want to sit idly by when I can help people."

I hear a knock on the doorframe. "Your sister is right Lottie it's not safe."

"You can't stop me from doing anything, Scott."

I look over to see Scott leaning on the door frame. I laugh again, "wow. You're actually really pretty." Scott tucks his lips in a small pink shade of blush coming on his face.

"Sorry she's on a lot of morphine." Lottie tells my friend as I continue to study him.

"Huh." I gasp, "You got a haircut." I reach my hand out as if to touch Scott's hair.

Scott looks to my sister, "Yeah that will do it." He walks over to me. "How are you feeling Cait?" I still reach out to touch his hair, all he does is laugh, "You're adorable."

I make a 'mean' face like I'm in kindergarten, "No I'm not." He laughs again.

"Sure you're not." He turns back to Lottie, "Any clue when she's getting out of here?"

"Your mom says by tomorrow." Lottie said, playing with my hair.

"Good I'm not sure I can handle Stiles without her anymore." Lottie lets out a laugh.

Scott Headed back to the door, "Scott?" I ask my voice still ditsy.

"Yeah Cait?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm great. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled and left the room.

"Why don't you get some sleep, Cait." Lottie says, still playing with my hair.

"But I was just Asleep."

"Fine, what do you want?"

"Do you have food?"

"I'll see what Mrs. McCall can do." Lottie left the room as my eyes closed again. But this time just from the morphine

Chapter Two : A funeral From Hell

Scott, Evlynn, Lottie, Chole and myself stood to the side of the cemetery. Allison and her family could barely walk to the grave. "I don't get it. Sure she killed people but it's still a funeral." Lottie said, her small black dress and coat hanging down with her head.

"Sometimes people forget that." I say my hands crossed like I was ready to pray.

Allison had her arm crossed over her midriff with her Dad holding her left side. Despite the dark time, she still looked nice. Her hair was curled and she had a black blazer over a black dress.

Scott moved so he was behind one of the grave pedistoles. A man with white silvery hair and dark sunken eyes walked up to the Argent family. Gerard Argent. A true monster. Not to mention if I learned anything from Cassandra Clare books, it's that you never trust a man with silver hair. The four of us stayed where we were, our hearts going out to a friend. Chirs hugged the man. HIs own father, yet still used his first name. Might that be a second red flag.

Gared walked over to his daughter-inlaw giving her a kiss on both cheeks. Allison looked up from the chair she was sitting in. A small bit of hope in her eyes, probably from the idea of knowing who her family is.

Stiles stubbed up next to his best friend. The whispered something that I couldn't hear. Scott gave a small wave to his girlfriend before Sheriff Stilinski pulled both boys off the ground, dragging them to a cop car, I assume was his.

I let my head hang to face the ground. My hands still crossed. This time I did say a small prayer remembering Lottie's grandmother's funeral. Not that anyone in her family committed mass murder but still.

The ceremony started as the four of us stood still. Kate was brought in, a shining black casket going dull from the dim light of the sun being blocked by the clouds. Allison stood along with the rest of her family. Prays were said but hardly heard, and the body was lowered into a shallow grave.

Chole brought out a lighter as we lit the candles we were holding. Chole lit hers with the lighter, then Lottie's with the candle. Lottie lit Evlynns candle, and Evlynn lit mine. We let the flame dance for two minutes as we did at Lottie's grandmother's funeral. They called it the minutes of purity. Then we blew out the flame slipping away back into the woods.

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