Lone wolf gets a pack

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Chapter Five : Lone Wolf Gets a Pack

"Why the hell did you bring Lottie?" Scott asked as we get out of the car.

"She's blackmailing me."

"Fine. Whatever, lets go."

The three of us walk into the freezing room. Boyd sat cleaning the ice, on one of thoses Zamboni. I think that's what they're called. "Boyd." Scott calls walking onto the ice. "We. We just want to talk. Come on Boyd, please."

"Did Derek tell you everything?" I ask, still getting closer to Boyd. "I don't just mean losing control on a full moon. I mean everything."

Boyd turned off the zamboni, "He told about the hunters."

"How about wolfsbane. Or that the bite could kill you?" Lottie chimes in.

"Yes he told me everything."

"And you still want the bite?" Scott asked putting his hands in his pockets. "Whatever you want there are better ways to get it."

"I just want to nor eat lunch alone everyday."

"If you're looking for friends you can do a lot better than Derek." I sass out the words tasting like venmone on my tongue.

"That really hurt, Cait." Damn it. I slowly turn my body to face Derek and his pack. "I mean, if you're going to review mw, at least take a consensus." Derek waves his arm at Isaac and Erica. "Erica, how's life been for you since we met?"

"Hmm. In a word...transformative." Erica growls. I wave my hand so the air around her feet knocks her to her ass.

"So much for transformative." Lottie whispers in my ear. I smirk. Erica gets up as Scott shifts on his feet.

"How about you Isaac?" Derek asked, ignoring his beta who was beaten by air.

"Well, I'm a little bummed about about being a fugitive, but other than tat I'm great."

"Okay. Hold on this isn't exactly a fair fight." Scott says hands coming out of the small fist they were in before.

"Then go home Scott."

"Oh I meant for them." That's my boy.

Scott shifts, breaking the ground under us. I wave my right hand SHoving Erica and Isaac back into the wall. Isaac and Scott start going hand to hand as Erica and I go claw to flame. Lottie backs Boyd away from the fight. I sound of claws scrapping the ice under us fills my ear as I kept dodging Erica. Luckily for me she dosn't yet understand being a wolf, therefor I have the upperhand.

Soon it was two on two. I felt Erica dislocated my shoulder. Groning I get back off the floor. The whole rink sounded like a set of tigers. Every beta in the room was turned. Then me and Scott won. Erica and Isaac were laying on the ground. "Don't you get it!' I yell. "He's not doing this for you! He's just adding to his own power. I mean it's all about him."

"I know he makes it seem like some kinda gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!" Scott adds, still in wolf form. I force my hand out pushing Erica across the ice to her Alpha. Scott just grabs Isaac's jacket and slides him over to Derek's feet.

"What they say is true. It is about power." Derek walks closer to Scott and I. He lets his eyes turn red.

As if he's challenging us. I want to say anything to mess with Derek's head, but All I can think about is the spreading pain from my left shoulder. Derek claws my left side, an head but's Scott. My shirt trunks a sade of crimson but I kept fighting. Everything Derek dose is one step ahead.

When he's focused on Scott, I jump on his back keeping a flame lit at his neck. I lean into his ear, "Don't you get it. You're not the only Alpha in the room." Derek shift to human for a spilt second before flipping me over so my back lay on the ground and he was above me. A few drops of blood fell to the ice. Thankfully the cut wasn't that deep, like if I got 1000 paper cuts. Derek steps on my throat as Scott tries to fight him.

Derek grabs Scott's throat, his foot still on mine, and throws Scott to the ground. Scott moves his head to the side and coughs up a few drops of blood. It was getting hard to get air in. I lift my good arm and press a dull flame to Derek's leg. That's when he Derk lets go of Scott's throat and steps off mine.

He doesn't say anything as he walks away. Leaving Scott groning on the ground and me gasping for air. Lottie runs over forgetting about Boyd. Every third breath is a cough. Scott struggles to sit up an I do the same.

"Boyd don't" I cough again.

"You don't want to be like him." Scott says still in the harsh tone of his wolf.

"You're right." But you'll still take the bite. Boyd pulls up the side of his shirt to show a bite mark. I failed. "I wanna be like you, Scott." I cough a few more times as I sit up.

"DEREK!" He stopped, turning back around to face me. "Think about what I said."

"It's just a myth."

"Is It. Because I think if you really thought that, you would have already left." He laughs and nods a smirk on his face.

"Maybe you're right." With that and he and his pack of misfits are out the doors. LEaving behind a Me and Scott. Beaten and on the floor.

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