The plans for our Lives

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Chapter 13 : The Plans For Our Lives

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Chapter 13 : The Plans For Our Lives

I stood in Allison's room door frame. I knew this was for the best and I was never very close with the Argent Girl, but it was still sad to see her go. She was packing the last of her clothes up when she noticed me. "Caity, hi."

"So is that like a thing now? You just gonna keep calling me Caity?"

She let out a laugh, "Sper of the moment."

"Deal." I took a few steps in the room, "Do you have to go?"

Allison stopped packing. "Maybe not. But I need too. I almost died, I can't stay here. I'm not even sure if I'll ever come back."

"Where are you and your Dad staying?" I asked, taking a seat on the bed.

"A small town outside of Paris. Same place as last time." I stood walking over and gave the girl a bear hug.

"I'll miss you, Argent."

"I'll miss you too, Roads."

I pull back, "Why'd you call me that?"

"Thought it might be nice to say it, just once."

I give her one last hug, "Keep in touch. And when I say that I mean write, don't text or call because that will just hich up our phone like you can't believe."

She let out another laugh, "Deal."


Scott and I stood in Stiles. I was running my hands along one of the old picture frames, waiting for Stiles to get back. "What do you think he wants to ask us about?" Scott asked at last.

"I don't know. Hopefully anything the nogitsune told him." I turned, leaning against the dress when Stiles walked back in. I rub my hands together, "Okay, what you got for us?"

Stiles runs his hand down his face, "Who are you?"

"She is Caitlin, our best friend." Scott says already confused.

"Is she?"

"Stiles what are you talking about?" I asked, walking closer to him.

"Who is Caitlin Roads?"

"It's her birth parents last name."

"No Scott it's okay. Stiles you might want to sit. I think it's time I come clean." Stiles does what I ask, taking a seat on his bed. "Scott's right I'm Caitlin Roads. The doppelganger..."


I finished my whole speech to Stiles, finally looking him in the eyes, "Any questions?"

"So Scott knew, because of Deucalion, and Allison knew because you thought she was gonna die, and Kira knew because of her parents?"

Scott steps away from the wall, "We're not sure if Kira knows, but yeah Me and Allison know."

"So you've been lying to me?"

"Yeah." I don't want to lie anymore, "I thought the less people who knew the safer Lottie Chloe and Evlynn would be." I swallow some spit.

"So you lied to us, to protect your sisters?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

"God you four would die for eachother." Stiles whispers. I don't think I was meant to hear it but it still brought a smile to my face. "Why are you telling me now then?"

"Cause I trust you Stiles. I trust you with my life, but more importantly I trust you with their lives." I get on my knees in front of Stiles and grab his hands, "Because I still see you as my best friend."

"Scott, what do you think of all this?" Stiles asked, lifting his head.

"I think, I think it's no weirder than nogitsunes and werewolves. She's still Caitlin, no thing can change that." I looked up and smiled at the McCall boy.

"In that case, as I think is psychotic, I still trust you Caitlin. But I refuse to call you Roads."

I laugh, "Fine by me."

Third Person View

Isaac seemed to be staying in the McCall residence for all time to come. Kira still seemed to think she was the new girl but Lydia stopped that at the sight of Malia Tate. After school that day, Scottt McCall stood in the Holmes twins room with Malia Caitlin and Chloe.

Chloe volunteered to make Malia a bit less clueless to social normals, as well as Help Malia with being a coyote. Scott promised to teach the Tate girl everything he knew, starting with how to release your claws. The McCall child flicked his wrist, the Alpha's claws now out. He encouraged the Tate girl to try and do the same. And she did, flicking her right wrist Malia now had claws. It took a few tries of course, but eventually she got it laughing with a sense of pride.

Caitlin couldn't help but feel happy. She knew Malia was always a bit of a bitch, but that was somehow likeable from her. She made the pack fun, and for the unknown time Caitlin would still be on this earth she was just glad she got to meet the Tate girl.

Ethan couldn't stay after his brother's death. He was really gonna miss the pack, but he was going to miss his boyfriend most. Of course Danny is a guinness and knows (without many being aware that he knows) that it was about Ethan being a werewolf. The break up might have been a break up but both boys would miss each other.

Caitlin was still worried everyday that someone would hurt her family. Whether it be the Holmes or the Roads, because after everything that has happened in her life, Lottie, Chloe, and Evlynn were her family. She didn't even try to think about what comes next for earth 40. Whether it was assassins, or Theo Ranken, or berserkers right now she didn't care she just wanted one normal day. So that's what she got, dragging her siblings away from what they were doing and giving all of them one normal day, not sure how long it would last.

Scott still blamed himself for not being able to save Aiden, and Allison only being alive because of a blood spell. He would never be the same, but the boy still had a real smile on his face, everyday.

Stiles just wanted to clear his head. Ripping down crim boards. around his room, just not wanting to be reminded of anything he did as the nogitsune.

Lydia was trying to get used to her new life. People kidnapping her so she would scream. Allison, her best friend, moving to france. Being a real member of the pack. Everything that came when Peter bit her.

Kira just wanted to understand what she was. What being a thunder kitsune means.

Isaac just wants to say with his friends. He didn't want anything to change.

Chloe just wanted to help. Even if it was as small as helping Malia understand what being human ment.

Evlynn just didn't want the people she cared about to get hurt. If that meant she got hurt instead, then so be it.

Lottie was still thinking the same way she did when she first found out about the supernatural. One part of her mind said, help at all expense. One part told her she was crazy. And a third part said she can't just sit on the sidelines if someone got hurt. To this day the third part was winning. She couldn't sit there and watch people she cared about get hurt trying to save everyone around them, but never saving themselves.

Either way the McCall pack plans to keep as many people safe as they can. Scott still thinks about Caitlin's life motto, the promise she made herself as the doppleganger. Et pugnabit ut salvum te malum et non ut eligentis. I fight for thee who did not choose to get hurt. Now the McCall alpha never spoke latin but he knew that phrase would stay with him forever.

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