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Chapter Thirteen :  Mountain Ash Circles

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Chapter Thirteen :  Mountain Ash Circles

"I saw it, I know where it is." Scott said, hopping over the side of the tub.

Stiles did the same, "We passed it there was this- There's a stump, this huge tree. Well it's not huge anymore it was cut down. But still big, though, very big."

Scott pulled the towel around himself as Lottie handed one to Stiles, "It was the night we were looking for the body."

"Yeah the same night you were bit by Peter."

Allison gassed for air, "I was there two in the car with my mother. We almost hit someone."

Scott turned his head to look at Allison, "It was me. You almost hit me. We can find it." The three of them started to realise the weird looks we were giving them.


"You guys were out for a long time." Isaac said, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

"How long is a long time?" Stiles asked, drying his hair.

I took a step back from Scott. "Sixteen hours."

Scott turned to look at me, "We've been in the water for Sixteen hours?"

"The full moon rises in less than four." Lydia said, stepping back from Allison.

"Come on. The three need to get changed." Chloe said, taking the now wet towels back.

When all three of them came back after changing their clothes, Lydia gave each of them water. "We have to go back, Scott."

"I know, Cait." Scott replied, sighing.

"With Deucalion?" Chloe asked. Both of us just nod.

Stiles looks at each of us in disbelief, "No. Neither of you are going back with them."

"I made a deal with Deucalion." Scott said, leaning on a wall.

"So what the hell does Cait have to do with it?" Lottie asked, giving the two of us crazy eyes.

"If I don't help him, he kills you, Lottie." I replied, putting my coct back on.

"Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with a devil? With a threat on top." Stiles said, shaking out his still wet hair.

"Why does it matter. I mean we can protect Lottie. Scott you can get out of this."

"Because I still don't think that we can beat Jeniffer without their help."

"And I'm not adding Lottie's life to the might die in four hours list."

Allison looks to Deaton, "They trust you more than anyone, tell them they're wrong. I mean they kidnapped Cait for crying out loud."

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