Because I'm Freaking Out

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Chapter 11 : Because I'm Freaking out

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Chapter 11 : Because I'm Freaking out

Stiles walked out of the guidance office. Anyone who was at the station the other night was required to go to guidance twice a week, "Caitlin, I'll take you now." Ms. Morell said holding open the door.

I walk in the small office. It was cold, but that might have been me. I take a seat and fold my hand over. "How are you Miss Holme."

"Can we skip the batting around the bush? I know you know about the supernatural, you know I'm supernatural. And we both know that what happened at the station was not human."

"If that's what you want. How did the other nights' activities make you feel?" She asked in her normal calm tone.

"You heard enough of that from everyone else. And I'm sure they told you they were fine, and it was just a bad scare, but unlike everyone else I know I'm not fine. Because I'm freaking out." I start laughing over my words, cutting off the tears.

"Why would that be?"

"I keep seeing things. Then they happen. My powers, for lack of a better term, are growing before I can control them. I'm creating things that I didn't even know were possible."

"Things like?"

"Air-fields, air bubbles that can block out smoke."

"Stiles told me you haven't been talking to anyone, is that true?"

"Yes." I paused hoping no one took offence to the fact I closed myself off, "I don't want to hurt anyone. And if I don't know what's happening to me, I could be the reason someone gets hurt."

"Go back to the visions."

"I see things, and I almost zone out. A small pain fills my head and them almost like a set of images cover my mind. To everyone around me nothing happens, but then later they come true."

"What are some of the things you've seen?"

"Allison's mom. How and why she killed herself. Scott working behind our backs. I saw what would happen the other night, then it happened."

"Working behind your back? Why would you think Scott would do that?"

"I saw Gerard stab him, and threaten his mother. That's why. I think it's blackmail. But it makes me feel guilty. So guilty. Because I see things, and then people yell my name, and I'm back to normal. And just lie, say it was a set of dizzy spells from lack of sleep. That all I need is to get a bit more sleep, but that's not it. I see the future."

"May ask, if this has ever happened on your earth?"

"No. Never. It hasn't even happened on a different earth. This is the first time ever."

"Why do you feel guilty Caitlin?"

"Because, maybe stop things, stop people from dying. But I never say anything. I just lie, to everyone around me. I just say i'm tired, when if said something, maybe Mrs. Argent would still be alive."

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