The Dangers Of A Flame

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The Dangers Of A Flame

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The Dangers Of A Flame

*Warning Attempted Suicide, Read At Your Own Risk*POV Caitlin Roads/ HolmesSeason Three Episode Six : Motel California

I nearly broke at the sight in front of me. To be far I smelt it first. The gas. Then came the glare of reddish orange light from the road flair. I felt like Stiles was pushing me around the corner to look at our best friend.

Scott stood covered in gasoline, the road flair in his left hand. His red shirt was a shade darker as it stuck to his skin, and his jeans dripped with the flammable liquid. His hair was dripping as well, falling just past his eyes, mixing with the few tears he allowed to fall out.

"There's no hope." Scott spoke as all of us moved to face him rather than his back.

"Scott, there's always hope." My words burned my throat as I tried to look into Scott's eyes.

He shook his head, "No for me. Not for Derek."

"Derek's not dead!" Stiles looked sick. "Cait saw him in a vision."

"Everytime time I try to fight back, it just gets worse. People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed."

"Scott listen to me, okay?" Lottie took hale a step forward. "This isn't you, alright? I know I joke about how you always see on the bright side, but you do And it saves lives. Scott please!"

"Scott this is someone inside your head telling you to do this-"

"What if it isn't?!" Scott interrupted Stiles. "What if it's just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could possibly do for everyone else?" I watched Scott's adam's apple go out as he paused. "It all started that night. The night I got bit. You remember the way it was before that? You and me-Stiles, we were nothing. We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. Hell! We didn't even have Cait. We were no one. Maybe I should just go back to being no one again." Scott's breaths became heavy. "No one at all."

"But you have me now!" I screeched, water falling from my eyes. "You're not no one Scott." I took three steps forward, trying to get closer to him. "And I mean that." Two more steps. "You're someone, okay?" My shoes were now in the gas. "Scott you're my best friend. People need you." I paused. "I. Need you. So if you do this.." I placed my hand at the very top of the flair. "Well then you're taking me with you." Tears clouded my eyes as I placed my hand over the flame on the fair. "But I'm not gonna let you either way." Slowly the flame seemed to fade into my skin. Pulsing threw my arm, giving me a type of power I didn't know. When the glow was gone, I threw the flair behind us, looking Scott in the eyes.

We were so close I could feel his breath. Part of me was saying find some crazy way to bring him back. He didn't say anything for almost 30 seconds, and his breath became warmer as I moved my hand to interlock our fingers. For a second I thought about kissing him to bring him back but the thought slipped away when he spoke.


I let out an airy laugh, "Oh thank god."

"Cait your eyes."

"What about them?"

"They're silver." He paused, "Completely, shining in the light, silver."

"What?" I didn't even know what he was talking about. Sure my Mother trained me to do a few blood spells, and my blood came out silver. But my eyes? "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. And they're beautiful." I wrapped my arms around him pulling Scott closer into a hug.

"I thought I was gonna lose you." I whispered into his ear.

"I'm right here." When Scott pulled back he gently held my wrist in his hand. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Hurting you." He very slowly and cautiously placed his hand around my wrist, covering the bruising. "I'm so sorry."

"Hey..Hey Look at me. I don't care. As long as you're still here." His smile made a few tears of relief fall from my eyes.

"Scott." Stiles breathed out coming up from behind me. "Scott are you okay."

For the first time Scott looked away from me, "Yeah I'm okay. Are you?"

"You kidding right?" Lottie asked coming up on the other side of me, "You nearly just lit yourself on fire, and you're asking us if we're okay?"

A small laugh left my lips, "Only Scott McCall."

"Our best friend." At this I turned to look at Stiles, a smile on my face. Stiles' eye went from me to Scott, "Our brother."

"Come on, you still smell like gas." Allison spoke walking closer to the four of us.

I let my eyes travel to the ground. The burnt out road flair was under the back tire of the bus. I still have no idea what I did, taking the flame way from something that works underwater. But it gave me power. I can't think of a time I felt more scared than when we rounded the corner and saw Scott. I'm just glad we ended it.


Author's Note,

Okay, so this was actually how this episode was meant to end, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't take away the Sciles moment, and I'm not sorry.

This is actually the second draft of this. In the first it would have Cait kiss Scott, but I didn't want their relationship to feel rushed. I just hope it doesn't feel forced either, because I have a lot of fun with it.

Like here's this badass who can take your head off. Oh and by the way she's dating a true alpha. Like my goal for their relationship was to be like 'be afraid of them separately, RUN when they're together.' or just kinda like a second detail. Like 'OMG your a true alpha and the doppelganger.*Cait wins fight* 'Oh and we're dating.'

Stay safe, stay well.

Love y'all,


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