Fighting the Moon

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Chapter Seventeen : Fighting The Moon

"Stiles why the hell do you have a key to his house? And what is in this bag it's heavy?" I sigh as Stiles unlocks the door to Scott's house.

"Just shut up will you?"

"Wow, how spit you out?"

"Scott kissed Lydia." Yeah I know but how do you.

"How do you know that?"
"I just do." With that he opened the door.

"Scott?" I heard Mrs. McCall called out from the other room.


"And Cait." We both say sheepishly.

"Key!?" Mrs. McCall says as she points to the small brass object in Stiles hand.

"Uh yeah I had one made so.."

"Why did you make a key to someone else's house?" I ask in disbelief but he shrugs the question off.

"Yeah that doesn't surprise me as much as you would think Cait. Though I'm glad you don't just go with the crazy things your friends do."


"It scares me but dosen't surprise me." I drop the duffle bag on the floor. The chains inside make a harsh noise. "What's that?"

"Uh school project." Stiles lies.

"Mmm. Stiles he's okay right?"

"Who Scott yeah!"

"Well I mean his been better." I should have kept my mouth shut, "BUT he's okay. Nothing a night with us idiots won't sove." I gave a small smile as a breathy laugh left my lips.

"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore. Well not like he used to."

"He's had a bit of a rough week."

"Thanks Stiles." She paused, "Oh Cait I heard you had a panic attack today are you okay?"

"I'm fine now. It was just weird being back in the building after..everything."

"Umm okay uh.. Be careful tonight."

"You too." Me and Stiles say stepping away from the door.

"Full Moon." We both freeze.

"What?" "huh?"

"There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the E.R gets. Brings out all the nut jobs."

"Oh." Right, of course." Me and Stiles exclaim.

"Yeah, it's where the term Lunatic came from."

As soon as she left the house to heed out for work, I let out a breath. Thankful she didn't know about her son. (at least not until a crazy person shoots him later in the year.)

We went upstairs to Scott's room. "Oh MY GOD!" I say as he sits creepily on the chair in the corner of the room. "Jesus Christ you could have given me a heart attack!"

"Scott your Mom said you weren't home." Stiles explains also recovering from the jump scare.

"I came in through the window."

"Okay, so you ready to do this or, you just gonna sit there." I say already opening the bag Stiles brough.

"I'm Fine. I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight."

"You sure about that?" Stiles asked.

"Because that's not creepy at all." I say under my breath.

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