The Sixteen Hours

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Chapter 12 : The 16 Hours

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Chapter 12 : The 16 Hours

Hour One

"Okay, you can let go." Deaton told us. I removed my hands from the water.

I took a seat in between Scott and Stiles. Both of them were lifeless. It made me want to choke. The sight of two of my best friends almost dead. I leaned onto the bin that Scott was in. I made fist with my hands, my short nails scraping over the floor. "You said it would only take a few seconds, right?" I asked from the floor.

"It should only take a few seconds, yes." Deaton told me. "And Caitlin, put the flames away."

I looked down to my hands, both of them were on fire. I closed my eyes, holding them closed for a few seconds. When I opened them my hands were no longer a blaze. But Allison Scott and Stiles were still in the water. My breath went from quick to normal to quick. Like I forgot how to breathe.

"Cait." Isaac took a seat next to me. "We have to keep our hopes high. Especially you, because when you're sure, then so is everyone else."

"Yeah. Yeah okay."

I looked at the clock. Trying to match my breaths, make them normal. Every three seconds I took a breath in, held it for four seconds, then let it go. I repeated that, over and over again. I watched the clock for at least 10 minutes. "I thought Deaton said only a few seconds." Isaac put his hand over mine on the floor.

"Hey, I'm sure they're fine." Isaac said.

I leaned on Isaac's shoulder. I watched as Lottie started to pace behind the bins. I closed my eyes, for once wanting a vision to pass over my mind to take the idea away that they were dead. But nothing came, just the black dots that come when you close your eyes.

I opened my eyes again, nothing had changed. "Caitlin."

"Yeah Doc?"

"Why don't you take a walk." I nod and stand from the floor. Isaac passes me his phone.

"Don't get taken this time." I laugh a bit looking back at Scott's body.

I stopped laughing when I looked at him. I just shaked my head trying to get the fear out of my veins. I step outside the clinic. Immediately the wind picks up, my hair bushing over my face. I take a few steps, the winds get quicker. I hold my breath, trying to get the winds to stop. I walk back into the clinic. Scott Stiles and Allison still lay at the bottom of each tub. I went back to my seat on the floor in between Scott and Stiles.

Hour Two

"Deaton, it's been a little over an hour." Evlynn said, checking her phone.

"They should be fine." My heart was still going crazy. If it all ends right here Scott would never find out who I was. I promised him I would explain.

Let's think about that, right? That will take my mind off everything.

When I tell him what being the doppelganger is, I'll start with explaining what even is the mulit-verse. Then I would tell the story of how we ended up on earth 40. Then I would explain who I wasn't related to either the twins or Lottie. I would tell him everything. Even small things like why Deaton thinks I have visions.

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