50 Feet

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Chapter Eight : 50 Feet

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Chapter Eight : 50 Feet

Stiles Scott and myself stood around my phone, Allison on the other line. "If Jackson can't remember what he's doing, then he won't know someone is telling him to do it."

"Or he can't remember." My voice was airy, and fearful.

"What if it was the same sort of thing that happened to Lydia? When she took off from the hospital?" Stiles asked, his voice was also low and airy.

"A fugue state?" Allison came through the line.

"He would have to forget everything. The murder," Scott started.

"Getting rid of the blood." Allison spoke.

"What about the video?" I asked.

"Someone else must have helped him forget that." Stiles answered my question.

"Who's ever controlling him." Scott agreed.

"So Jackson has no memory about anything, at all?" Allison's voice was melo and calm.

"He still thinks he's becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed it."

"So do we try to convince him he's not?" Allison asked.

"If it helps us find out who is controlling him. Then yeah." My voice was much calmer than my mind. I kept drumming my fingers on the table, gulping down bits of spit, nothing in me wanted to be still.

"Do you think he will even talk to us after today?" Allison had a fair point.

"Yeah, it's us. I mean he'll talk to us." Stiles said. I could tell he was uncertain by the way his shoulders were moving, but his voice was as calm as the rest of us.

Yeah that proved not to be true. Jackson put a restraining order on the boys. Neither of them could be within 50 feet of the Wittemore child. That included school, and work, and anything. For some reason Jackson didn't put a restraining order on Allison or I. It seemed weird, like he was just trying to get under Scott and Stiles' skin, like it had nothing to do with him turning into a lizard.

Scott and I were standing in one of the many hallways of the station. It was like my scenes were on overdrive. I noticed things that never mattered before. LIke how Scott's sweatshirt strings were uneven, and that the respentist shoe was untied. Everything felt loud as well, the sound of shoes hitting the floor, and pens clicking. My hands were shaking slightly. I kept trying to push my hands farther against the wall I was leaning on. Anything to stop the shaking. I closed my eyes trying to drown at all sounds. I tried to find the peace I felt at look-out point. Tried to clear my mind of anything other than my own body.

I felt someone grab my hands off the wall. I opened my eyes to see Scott holding both my hands close to him. He was looking down at me. The chocolatey color of his eyes was calming but I was still shaking. He was whispering something but I couldn't hear him. Not anymore, I couldn't hear anything. I closed my eyes again as I felt him pull me closer. He let go of my hands and brought his arms around my back. It took me a miniature to recipract the hug. Everything came back to me slowly, starting with what I could hear, then I stopped shaking, finally I opened my eyes again. It was if I had been crying for hours, like I was at a lack of tears, but that wasn't true. The waterworks just didn't come. "Thank you." I whispered in Scott's ear. He kissed the side of my head and pulled back.

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