What Is The Doppelganger?

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Chapter Fourteen : What Is The Doppelganger?

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Chapter Fourteen : What Is The Doppelganger?

I unlocked the front door of my house. Scott was behind me as my heart beat went crazy. I pushed open the door and hung up my keys. Then my coat. I started up the steps, Scott close behind. I pushed open the door to my room and opened the closet. I pull up the floor board that my red notebook lay under.

I take a seat next to Scott on my bed. "First, how do you feel Scott?"


"How do you feel? I mean you just died then came back to life, then became a true alpha. So how do you feel?"


"Can I see them? Your eyes." He smiles, showing his new bright red eyes. "They're beautiful." I breathe out.

Scott was still smiling as his eyes went brown again. "You turn. What is- Who are you?"

I stand and give him the notebook. "I'm the Doppelganger. Proceter of worlds. My family's, the Roads not the Holmes, our job is to protect the multiverse."

"That thing about a million earths?"

"Yeah, it's real. The earth we are on now is known as earth 40, I'm from earth 33. As well as Evlynn Chloe and Lottie. We never meant to stay, but they were drunk and I was tipsy, just tipsy enough for them to convince me to take them here. You see we're not related, only the twins are. Even Still I'm the only one in my family who can move from earth to earth. That's what my visions are, the future or past of this world, the world I'm meant to protect. Everything I knew before coming here is in that notebook." I point to the red leather in Scott's hand. "Any questions?"

"A lot."

"Ask away."

"What did that spell mean, the one in Latin."

"Join me, in tempore opportuno. Pro nostrum officium potest non evenire non auxilium tuum. It translates to Join me, in my time of need. For our job may not be fulfilled without your help. It was me asking other doppelgangers for their power. Say to do my job of protecting innocents across the multiverse I needed their help. It was almost like a power surge. For a few seconds I have other doppelgangers' power."

"Now explain why you are talking like there is more than one of you?"

"There is. I am the only person across the multiverse that looks the exact same, the twin, the counterpart. Each Earth has one version of me. That looks the same and is part of the same family, that family being the Roads. Now we all look the same, but we don't act the same."

"Next question. If you have been on, what did you call it? Earth 40? For over a year, does that mean you've been gone for over a year on your earth?"

"No. Chronically you are seven earths after us, so the only time that will have passed on my earth when we go home, will be seven seconds. It takes like an absolute value. Even if I was to go from earth 33 to earth 23 when I get back to earth 33 ten seconds would have passed, if only for the fact that there is no negative time."

"Okay. Uhh, emotions, feelings?"

I laugh, "Scott, I'm not a robot. Yes I feel, everything from pain to lust to love and back again. Every emotion is real. Traveling earths is much like owning a beach house. You may stay there for a while, and you as a person don't change, but it's not forever."

"Tell me about your family."

"I have an older brother, he's named Dean. Typical teen boy, annyoiny horney. Then there are my parents. Who are immortal. It was sorta a gift laid upon the two of them, they keep having kids every 100 years, giving brother to the next doppelganger, and they live forever. I love them, and I miss them, but It's okay, because I know to them it's been no time at all."

"Last question." He says standing to look me in the eyes, as I leaned on the doorway. "Why are you still on this earth?" This one he whispered.

I gulped, "Remember how I mentioned that Lottie and the twins were drunk when we came to this earth?" He nods. "If you're drunk when you come to a different earth then you forget the earth you came from. They were drunk and we can't go home unless they remember that we aren't from this earth. Well I can go home, but they can't. I myself was just drunk enough to remember where I came from, but also agree to come in the first place." I blew out a laugh.

For a long time Scott doesn't say anything. "Oh god, please say something. Yell, scream. Anything is better than nothing."

"You didn't tell me because you thought it was safer for Lottie and the twins, right?"

"Yeah. I thought if they can't remember than I just need to become part of this world in a sence that way they would be safe." He doesn't say anything again. "Oh come on, you have to be mad at me. Scream, turn, do something!" 

"I'm not mad. I want to be. I wanna be pissed. But I can't be because I know I would have done the same thing."

I give a half smile, "You can stay here for the night. I'll go sleep in Lottie's room."

I turn away, "Cait wait!" Scott says from behind me. He gripped my arms pulling me back to him. I spin around from the force and before I knew what was happening in Scott was kissing me. His lips were sweet, like mint. It felt like the world was spinning in the best way possible. Like I could get shot but all that would matter would be Scott's lips on mine.

I pull back spinning away from him. "No. No."

"Cait what's wrong?"

"You and Allison. And One day I'm- I have to leave. We can't do this." I studded out, biting my lower lip.

"Right now I don't care about anything else. No other girl is in my head, and I never want to think about you having to leave."

I turn back to him. I swing my arms around his neck, pulling Scott down to me. The kiss was more passionate this time. My hands tangled in his hair as his hands fell right below my ass. Without breaking the kiss I jumped wrapping my legs around Scott's waist.

I felt myself deepen the kiss, turning my head just a bit. My hands slipped through the smoothness of Scott's hair

I moved my hands starting to pull at the edge of his jacket. Scott pulls back from the kiss. "Are you sure about this?" He was whispering.

"Yeah." I whisper back, just as quite.

Scott kissed me again, moving his arms so I could take off his jacket. Slowly he slips his hands under my shirt- You know what I think you know what happens next.

First Person POV~Scott McCall

"I honestly don't know if Derek's ever coming back, Part of me hopes so. But another part hopes that maybe he'll be okay somewhere else. My dad doesn't look like he's gonna be leaving for a while. But just because he's staying....Doesn't mean he's welcome. Then there's the whole doppelganger thing. I can't imagine Cait, Lottie and the twins leaving. But I guess this was never really home. Stiles and I both feel it every day, Just like you said we would, and it makes me think about that quote Jennifer used to start our first class, Because when I feel it, Yeah it's like... I'm looking 'into the heart of immense Darkness."

"So what do you do instead, Scott?" Deaton asked, calm as always.

"I look for my friends."

"What about Miss Blake?"

"When we went back into the distillery her body was gone."

"That's good. Now get school."

As I walk in the building I stop. Just standing and looking around. Lydia was getting pestered by Aiden. Lottie and Caitlin were at Cait's locker on the other side of the hall. Ethan finally got to be with Danny, this time I knew no one would get hurt. Isaac and Evlynn were walking down the stairs laughing. I felt a set of arms around me shocking me back to reality. There was Stiles, right by my side like always. Everything's changed. But at the same time, nothing has.

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