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Third Person POV

Stiles Stilnski parked his blue jeep in the Nashville neighborhood. Scott checked the address again, and again. It had been four weeks since Cait had left and Allison Scott and Stiles decided they wouldn't sit on it any longer.

"Isn't this a little creepy?" Allison asked the boys from the back of the car.

"It was your idea." Stiles defended himself as well as his best friend.

Scott took a few breaths in not really sure if he could face the girl. His heart broke when Caitlin went through that portal, and he knew it didn't just happen to him, but something felt like it was missing now. Someone was missing.

"Yeah. Yeah. Okay, let's do this." Allison tried to pep herself up as she climbed out of the back seat, Scott and Stiles right behind her.

The three teens walked up to the front door, each with their minds racing. Slowly Stiles reached his hand out and rang the doorbell, but stopped. "What if she doesn't know who she is? I mean what if we do more harm than good?"

Scott shook his head, not willing to turn back. "Cait said she almost lit her bother on fire when she was six. I don't think she could get away with not knowing."

"Okay." Stiles closed his eyes ringing the bell.

"I CAN GET IT MOM!" A female voice yelled from inside. Scott listened as the footsteps got closer to the door. "Ahh thank god.." The girl muttered before opening the door facing the three teens, "I'm sorry do you have the right house?"

Stiles Allison and Scott froze when they looked at her. She wasn't Caitlin but they looked identical. All three teens looked at Catherine Roads like a part of them was missing and it set the girl on edge. She took the time to look at the people staring at her. Her eyes fell to the girl first. She wasn't tall, but she wasn't short either. Her brown hair hung to her shoulders and was curled just a bit. She looked well put together, the way her jacket and boots match, and everything fit her right.

Catherine then moved on to look at the pale boy. His hair was dark and almost spiky, and his eyes were a bright blue. He was wearing a flannel and jeans but he made the teen lumberjack thing work.

She then let her eyes fall to the tan boy standing right in front of her. His eyes were a chocolate brown and his hair a little messy. He was wearing a green army jacket white shirt and jeans. But it was the crooked jaw that gave him away. "Yo-you're Scott McCall."

Scott was taken aback, "You know who I am?"

"Every supernatural in the world knows who the True Alpha is. Look I-I don't know anything. If you're looking for a doppelganger-"

"No. No." Scot raised his arm a bit, "We just wanted to see you. Look, long story short, we knew a doppelganger. Her name was Caitlin, and she went back to her earth a few weeks ago. We just wanted to see her face. Maybe that's totally creepy- it is kinda totally creepy, but that only crossed our minds when we parked the car."

"Scott's right. It's Catherine, Right?" Allison asked the girl.

"Yeah." Catherine could hardly believe what she was about to do. "Why don't I grab a coat. We could go walk around the city a bit. And just talk. Like normal teenagers."

"We'd like that." Stiles spoke as Catherine slipped her top half back inside the door.



The four teens spent the day laughing. And talking, and really anything that came to mind. They ended up at a carnival just outside of the city, where a bunch of hot air balloons were being launched. So despite the wind and change of weather from California the four stood as the sun set watching the 100 or more balloons take off.

Stiles was just happy to see her face. Maybe they all came here looking for Caitlin, but none of them were mad when they got Catherine. She was different, a bit more reckless for one. But she made all three Beacon Hills natives smile.

Allison would never tell Lydia this But Cait was her best friend. Because when everyone else shut her out, Cait still had hope in her. When she moved to France Cait was the person who kept in touch. She didn't realize how sad she was to watch Caitlin go till she was gone.

Scott. Well he wasn't sure what he felt. Cait was his best friend before she was his girlfriend and it hurt knowing that there was a chance he could see someone with her face at any point and it wouldn't be her. But he was pleasantly surprised at how nice and enjoyable Catherine was.

As for Catherine she needed a day away from the people she knew. Her friends got really mad at her when she said she needed a week away from life. She had almost burnt her whole house down trying to get her fire under control. Water was always her thing, so controlling a flame, that was a pain in the ass. So for her it was nice to be around people who knew what she was and didn't give a damn.

All four were just enjoying every minute of the day. From a food truck lunch, to ice cream for dinner, and a thousand little moments in between.


Allison Scott and Stiles walked Catherine back to her front door. "So I guess this is it?" The Roads girl asked.

"It doesn't have to be." Scott spoke thinking for a second. "Give me your arm." Catherine held out her arm as Scott stole a pen from Allison, writing down all three of their numbers. "Just give us a call anytime you want. Times zones might be pain in the ass, but when we get it. We'll answer."

Catherine looked at the numbers now covering her arms, "You better answer. I know we met.." She checked her watch, "8 hours ago. But I really like being around you guys."

"You're not so bad yourself." Allison spoke to her new friend. "Scott's right, if there's ever a problem or you just want to talk, call us."

"It was really nice meeting you Catherine." Stiles spoke up giving the girl a smile. Catherine watched as the three teens walked back to the blue powder jeep that was in front of her house. She hadn't had that much fun in what felt like years. It was sad to see them go, really.


Catherine got off the couch as the doorbell rang. And rang. And rang. "I'M COMING!" She swore if this was her boyfriend's half ass answer as to why he hasn't talked to her in a month she would beat his ass.

But when she answered the door it wasn't Cody who stood in front of her. A boy with pale skin and flawless teeth was there instead. His black hair was clearly jeled but still linked like a beautiful mess. "Are you Catherine? Catherine Roads?"

"That depends, who's asking?"

"Right." The boy shook his head, holding out his hand. "I'm Theo. Theo Ranken."

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