Chapter 1

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OK so my Friend (We shall call her....Sally) has written this amazing fanfiction, but in Sally's words not mine "I can't be bothered making a wattpad account and dealing with it just for some stupid fanfiction". I disagree, so with her agreement, I am posting this on behalf of her. SO NO HATE!!!!! I AM NOT THE ONE WRITING It!!!! However, I will be telling ehr what people are saying about it. So be nice. Here it goes :D

Kate's POV

“Wake up bitches! Sunshine is here!” yelled a familiar voice to my ears.

I groaned and rolled over, snuggling back under my warm blankets.

“Go away Bridget” I heard another familiar voice muffled under a pillow.

I mentally smiled. Alexandra was not a morning person. Well, her real name was Alexandra but she preferred the name Ali. Don’t ask unless you want her whole history of her family and their name meanings. So boring!

“Never!” Bridget declared and ripped the blankets off my bed.

I shivered as the cold air hit my body. I heard Bridget do the same to Ali as she groaned and slowly got up.

“How can you be awake at nine a.m. in the damn morning?” she asked covering her mouth with her hand as she muffled a yawn.

“Easily. Unlike you lazy bums, I have to get up early every morning! Now please get up! We have to go out to the airport soon!” Bridget squealed happily. Ali groaned again with a hint of playfulness entering her voice.

I slowly got out of bed too and looked at myself in the mirror. Naturally, I had wavy brown hair that reached past my shoulder blades, my hazel eyes stared back at me with gleams of excitement and anxiousness. I was only 16 years old but I was extremely nervous. Let me just tell you, I had a rocking figure! Ali declared she was insanely jealous even though we are sort of similar. I had a nice hour glass figure which helped attract a lot of guys. I pulled on some fresh clothes, my favourite flowery thin top which I got from my aunt for my birthday last year and a pair of shorts. My favourite pair of Vans shoes waited for me by my door. Ali glided over to me and began to plait my hair playfully. Usually I wouldn’t let Ali play with my hair while I was getting ready but I was too excited to tell her off.

“This is going to be amazing!” she said with excitement lacing her voice, while her turquoise eyes shined with excitement. Her pale skin and her dark brown hair with lowlights made her eyes stand out a lot more than she realized but it wasn’t scary type of standout do that was good. She had a little bit of Maori blood which made her lips glossy and darker than most people’s lips. She had a nice figure but her favourite assets were her long legs. She loved to show them off. I guess that’s why today she decided to wear her favourite summer blue dress. Her white sneaker wedge heels made her legs seem to go down for miles. She was only 16 like me but she was only younger by two and a half weeks which she found pretty amusing. I also found it hard to believe Ali was jealous of me but then again, who wouldn’t be? LOL! After Ali pulling her hair into a messy pony tail, we went down into the kitchen. Bridget was currently staking her plate with at least five pancakes.

“What are you Bridget? Starving or something? I swear you could eat more then Niall Horan” Ali declared. Bridget blushed and began to wolf down her breakfast while Ali and I began to eat our breakfast.

As you are probably aware, we are teenage girls with the obsession of One Direction. For those that are living under a rock, One Direction consists of five extremely hot boys, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Harry Styles. They trialled for X Factor back in the UK and passed for a while but were sent home. But as a final minuet decision, the boys and four other girls were called back to the judges who declared they were just too valuable to let go. And they decided to make two bands (One of them being One Direction). Unfortunately they came second but their career as the band One Direction took off without a hitch. They quickly became world known and nearly every teenage girl was obsessed over them. Niall was the consistent eater as well as the happy Irish leprechaun. Zayn was the shy mysterious one but had that bad boy aura about him. Liam was known as ‘Daddy Direction’ as he was the most mature one. Harry Styles was the lady’s man. He was a total flirt and always insisted it was the curly hair and dimples that got the girls. And there was Louis. *cue sigh of day dreaming* He was my personal favourite. He was hilarious and very good looking. He seemed to care about his ex-girlfriend, Eleanor even after their break up and insisted to the world they were always going to be friends.

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