Chapter 23

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Hello little Fishies :D getting interesting huh? I'll let you all get back to it :D

Kate's POV

I was sitting on the porch where my one of my old primary school friends, Lillian, was standing a few meters away. Her golden hair flew down her back, her crystal blue eyes shone with happiness and relief. Her white dress, covered in blood that was pouring out from the stab wounds in her body. She came over to me and hugged me. I felt only a slight coldness where she touched me. Lillian smiled at me. Lillian wasn’t murdered but just at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was eight at the time and was at her Uncles house when it was broken into. She had tried to defend herself but by the time the medics got there, Lillian was already dead.

“Kate, you have been strong so far. Don’t give up. Remember who cares for you back at home” She said to me. I saw her begin to fade slightly.

“Give me clue. What shall I do?” I sang remembering that ridiculous song we made up in primary. She laughed.

“The stars will guide you home” She sang back to me before she disappeared completely.

I awoke to reality to someone shaking me.

“Come one Kate! Wake up god damn it!” I heard a familiar voice say. Ali?

“Ali! Look! She’s waking up!” I heard Bridget say.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Ali and Bridget hovering over me. I moaned as a dull thudding occurred in my head. Ali handed me some paracetamol and a small bottle of water. I took the pills gratefully.

“What happened?” I groaned as I sat up. Ali looked at Bridget.

“I woke up first in this prison cell. They have a small bed and a toilet with basic needs in it. There are five people, three males, two females. I could tell by their voices” Bridget said.

Her hair was slightly messier than what I remember it. She clothes were slightly ripped but nothing terrible. She had a cut on the side of her waist and a cut on her forehead.

“Whoever took us must’ve been new to this. If you’re going to take someone it’s better to have no blood trail.” Ali said. Blood trail? Bridget must have seen my confused expression.

“I think you were the one that lost a lot of blood. The man that hit you over the head pretty hard and you lost a bit of blood” Bridget admitted.

“A little bit or a lot?” I asked dizzily.

Ali came over to me. I noticed a bandage on her arm still flowing with blood, her face pale and a gash from her nose to her cheek. Other than those cuts, she looked fine. Her clothes weren’t so badly ripped as Bridget’s but still not in perfect condition.

“A lot” She whispered.

I felt even dizzier as I tried to stand. Ali and Bridget put me onto the bed. It was terribly uncomfortable. There were a few loose springs but Ali and Bridget made sure I was on the edge of the bed as I lay down.

“I woke up second and continuously banged on the door, yelling for a first aid kit. At first they didn’t want to give it to me but I convinced them by saying if they planned on killing us, they would’ve done it as they saw us, and not kidnapped us.” Ali said with an air of pride. I felt the pain slowly going away as the paracetamol began to take effect.

“So what do we do now?” I moaned out in pain. Ali looked at me sympathetically.

“I have tried to find a way for them to find us, but these guys are good. There is most likely a guy or girl with experience.” Ali said to me. I groaned as I knew our only chance of help is if these guys stuffed up, made a mistake, sometime soon.

“Why are they keeping us alive?” I asked. Bridget and Ali refused to meet my eyes.

“We discussed this while you were still out” Ali began hesitantly.

“We think they are keeping us alive as blackmail…I heard them say ‘We will begin the next phase soon’ as the man left after giving us the first aid kit from one of the lady’s voices.” Bridget said.

“Could they have made it less painful?” I asked trying to make a joke. Bridget cracked a small smile but Ali refused to meet my eyes.

“There was this case over in America… I’m not supposed to tell but then again… there was a boy… he was taken similar to us. His parents went crazy with worry and got my godfather and some other agents to help out…. It was the worst case he worked on. The kidnappers sent a video… of the boy being repeatedly stabbed. The pain the parents felt was unbearable…. The kidnappers were never found… But with this kidnapping… how similar it is… I think it may be the same kidnappers” Ali said, trying to stop her tears from flowing down her cheeks.

Fear punched me in the gut almost immediately. I felt numb after that… how could this happen to us?! Bridget leaned against the wall and slowly slipped down with tears leaking out of her eyes.

“Did the boy live?” Bridget choked out. Ali looked directly at Bridget, her eyes corresponding fear and acceptance that we may not come out of this alive.

“He did for a while…. But the knife they used was rusted, causing more intense pain… since it was rusted, there was a blood infection… the boy died a few months later” Ali whispered.

White hot anger and fear rushed into me. I was not going to die here! If I was going to die, it was going to be with Louis by my side. I saw Bridget absorb this information before she began to pace.

“We need to get out of here Ali!” Bridget hissed out. Ali stood up, her eyes ablaze with anger and fear.

“I have done whatever I could without making it too obvious Bridget! I will not go down without a fight, but for now, we have to accept the fact that our lives are now in the hands of these kidnappers and my godfather and his team!” She said, glancing to her right ballet flat.

I instantly knew what she did. I had to grin, if it wasn’t damaged that much, they could track Ali and eventually find us! I was about to laugh with relief but my happiness was disappeared with the next few words Ali said.

“One of them is a CIA agent and knew about the SIM card.” She said. I felt our previous fear and worry flow into us.

“So there is no hope” I stated feeling the emotions of lost.

“Never say that Kate! Just relax. It will all be fine” Bridget said in a fake happy voice. Ali and I raised her eyebrows at her. Bridget sighed.

“Fine we’re going to die a terrible death with our boyfriends never knowing that we love them” She said. I gave small smile.

Suddenly the door flew open to reveal two males. Bridget and I crouched down while Ali came in front of us, as if she was going to protect us.

“Wh-what d-do you want?” Ali stuttered, her fear evident as I leaked into her voice.

We shivered in fear as the man grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the side.

“Don’t try to protect your friends. You have no protection, no wealthy parents to help you now. Just enjoy the ride” He said and grinned sadistically. His face covered with scars. His piercing grey piggy like eyes glared at her. Ali began to struggle against him as she couldn’t breathe.

“Let her go Roy. She is no use to us if she is dead!” The other man snapped.

The other man had blonde hair that was tied up in a low pony tail. His face had a few scars and had a bit of a moustache. His blue eyes glared at the man. Roy shrugged and let Ali fall to the ground. She breathed in three deep breaths and coughed up some blood. She rubbed her throat. We shuffled over to her and helped her get away from Roy and this other man.

“You are no fun Jake.” Roy grumbled and they both walked out of the room. We turned back to Ali who was still rubbing her throat.

“They told us their name” I mumbled, trying to figure out what that meant. Bridget’s eyes widened.

“They don’t intend to keep us alive.” She whispered. At that moment, my whole world came down.

They don’t intend to keep us alive. I closed my eyes and pictured Louis and I prayed he had the strength to move on.

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